LE14A - what to build? - audioheritage.org
Start with JBL 2426H and JBL throat adapter for PT waveguides. JBL 243x 3" diaphragm drivers bolt directly on. Plenty of info on them in these forums. That's 2431H in my avatar. Some JBL 245x 4" drivers are also bolt-on. "SL" Aquaplas damped diaphragm versions recommended. Expensive. ***** BMS 4552ND requires two throat adapters with 1.5" PT ...
JBL Libra C53 + LE14A + LE175 + LX10 ='s S1 system 1960s
Feb 15, 2018 · JBL Libra C53 + LE14A + LE175 + LX10 ='s S1 system 1960s ? Hi, I have a pair of walnut Libra c53 cabinets loaded with LE14A woofers + LE175 horns + LX10 crossovers. Doing research online this seems to be the S1 component system loaded into the C53's.
LE14a refoam question - audioheritage.org
As for any JBL driver, the general consensus is "as the factory did them," no different for the LE14A. MEK is a little better at slow dissolving the glue than straight acetone. Too much of either and you risk soaking the aquaplas/cone. You want just enough to …
New project around the LE14A woofers - audioheritage.org
Nov 24, 2017 · The wonderful LE14A was matched with LE 20 in L99 and LE 175DLH in 101, and those two ways were limited solutions for bandwidth. Later JBL mid/high transducer pairs coupled to 10 and 12" exhibited better performance in FR and smoothness.
JBL LE14A and LE 175 Home made cabinets - audioheritage.org
Dec 13, 2010 · JBL LE14A and LE 175 Home made cabinets i recently aquired (well, maybe a year ago) a pair of home made speakers. These speakers were built by a doctor in the early 70s who didnt want to pay full price for a pair of L-101 cabinets.
JBL LE14A In L-100T Cabinet - audioheritage.org
I am soliciting opinions on the the desirability of retrofitting a pair of JBL L-100t's to use JBL LE14A LF drivers. The cabinet specfications for the L-100t's and the 240Ti's are as follows: L-100t Internal Net Volume = Between 3.3 and 3.4 Cubic Feet (Apx.) Port Size = 4.1" ID, 5.25" L LF Driver = 2214H 240Ti (Courtesy Giskard)
LE14A Full Range? - audioheritage.org
I have a pair of S99's with LE14A and LE20-1. The woofers have new surrounds but otherwise all is original. The midrange is very "shouty" and unpleasant. Looking at the specifications and schematic of the crossover, the tweeters are crossed over at 2000 hz but it appears that the woofers run full range.
JBL LE14A woofer foam and gasket?? - audioheritage.org
Thread: JBL LE14A woofer foam and gasket?? Thread Tools. Show Printable Version; 08-01-2016, 02:22 PM #1 ...
LE14A Project: Enclosure Design - Page 2 - audioheritage.org
That comparison includes known names such as Win ISD, JBL Speakershop, Winspeakerz, Bass Box Pro v.6, etc. The results would be eye opening for "the blinds leading the blinds". In the past Rick Carlson's free Box Plot 3.0 was among the favorites of mine up to Windows XP with 32 bits architecture, but I was never able to make it work on Windows ...
Workfile: Jbl L220 components -le14a +LE15h inside a homebuilt …
a complete pair of l220 sans cabinet, one more pair of passives, l94 lenses, l220 networks, le5-9 with boxes, cat eyes 076s) with the exception of not having the le14a but a pair of le15h instead, so of course i had to buy all that too