Which pronoun to refer to "person"? It? He or She? They?
2014年1月4日 · @user58319, as for your edit: both "she" and "it" are grammatically correct. Semantically "she" is correct in the example you provided as well, because Sam recognized the person as a woman. If, for example, we are not sure of the gender of a …
"a person" vs "the person" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2015年2月24日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
A person who twists facts to appear infallible?
2013年11月2日 · Weasel is a common slang term for such a person. Urban Dictionary entries lightly edited for grammar and spelling: Shifty, scheming person that will do whatever they need to to escape whatever they fear in the moment. A cunning, sneaky person. On internet forums they are often a liar, fake or poser.
Word for a person who meets all the guests at the entrance
2017年5月16日 · 1 A person employed to provide a service to the public in a particular place. ‘a cloakroom attendant’ 1.1 An assistant to an important person; a servant or courtier. ‘a mosaic of the Empress Theodora with her attendants’ 2 A person who is present on a particular occasion. ‘he had become a regular attendant at chapel’
Etymology of "div" meaning "a stupid or foolish person"
a stupid or foolish person. I started to wonder how this term of abuse came about. Urban Dictionary has a quaint tale: Actually originates from prison slang in the UK. A job often given to the lowest inmates was to put cardboard dividers into boxes. Someone given this job was a 'divider' or a 'div'. Now used as an insult to those who display ...
Term for a person trying to create unnecessary controversy
2015年5月27日 · Person: "I think the war in Iraq was unjust." Politician: "Well that's obvious coming from a communist hippie." If the politician is willfully twisting the subject out of scope, it's a "straw man". Person: "I think the war in Iraq was unjust." Politician: "China also objected to the war in Iraq. You cannot make our country into a communist society.
Should it be "concerned person" or "person concerned"?
An office colleague wrote the following in an email: Kindly log a ticket for the same and assign it to the concerned team. I wrote back the following: I believe it should be "Kindly log a ...
What word describes a person who signs an official document?
Cambridge Dictionaries Online: a person, organization or country which has signed an agreement Oxford Dictionaries Online: a party that has signed an agreement, especially a state that has signed a treaty: Britain is a signatory to the convention
What is a respectful way to refer to a person who has died?
2011年2月2日 · Only body dies, not the person's contribution to the world. That is why a "respectful way" is needed as an expression of thanks. We can say that is person is "no more among us" which conveys the idea that we are referring to the soul which has traveled somewhere else leaving the body behind.
What is the proper way to say possesive with "person X" and self?
Possible Duplicate: My wife and I's seafood collaboration dinner. I've never known what the proper way to use a sentence in which you and a specific person (as in you can't just say "our" because you want to specify who) possess something.