Would you help me? Yes, I would / Yes, I will - WordReference …
Feb 6, 2014 · Don't forget to include your sentence in your post, and not just in the title, enmascarado. "Yes" and "Yes, I would" are grammatically correct, and I see nothing wrong with "Yes, I will," either.
yes, please vs. please do - answering a question
Apr 9, 2010 · Underling: "Yes, I know. We had problems with our computers that delayed our work but I'll be sure to have it on your desk first thing tomorrow morning." Boss: "Please do." In this case the "please do" is a veiled warning in the guise of polite language, in my opinion. It means "if it is not on my desk by tomorrow morning there will be ...
What is the difference between "Yes, sure" and "Yes, of ... - HiNative
Apr 20, 2023 · Synonym for Yes, sure Yes, sure - Means that you understand what someone is asking of you and that 'sure' you are willing to do it Yes, of course - means again that you understand and that you are more than happy to do what the person may be asking. 'Of course' would be used to someone that you want to help, where as 'sure' may just be used to …
What is the meaning of "“It’s ok” mean? positive or negative ? yes?
May 1, 2020 · Definition of “It’s ok” mean? positive or negative ? yes? or no??? Ex) Do you want some cookies? It’s Ok "It's okay" really depends on the context. A: "Do you want some cookies?" B: "I'm okay." This example means the person doesn't want cookies. It's like they are saying they aren't hungry or craving a sweet. Their body is "okay" so they don't want any food. A:"Mom, …
What is the meaning of "I want to know 'yes-butters, not
Oct 23, 2019 · Definition of I want to know 'yes-butters, not-nowers and why-notters' are what means in this sentence. i think they are just people who always say or tend to say "yes, but... ", "not now" or "why not"|@exsoon: ah, i think it's about personalities. so why-notters are making everything thinkable and possible because they don't regret everything. so they can "move the …
Yes, I am / I'm; No, I'm / I am not (Contracciones)
Dec 9, 2009 · Yes, I'm hungry. [Se enfatizan I y hungry.] Yes, I am too. [Se enfatizan las tres I, am, y too, con menos énfasis en am. Lo que pasa es que el am debe tomar el énfasis del hungry que se suprime.] Yes, I'm hungry too. [Se enfatiza I, hungry, y too, con menos énfasis en hungry.
What's the difference between Pres. and NV in congressional …
Jun 21, 2021 · @moonglasses. Not necessarily. “Present” counts as a vote for the purposes of meeting the quorum requirement. It’s a way for a legislator to not take sides on an issue, but still be counted for the purposes of the vote (this can be used for different purposes/tactical reasons). “No vote” just means that the legislator didn’t vote for whatever reason; and presumably, if …
Yes for me vs Yes from me - WordReference Forums
Mar 14, 2016 · Dear all, In audition programs like X-factor or britain's got talent, which do the judges say, "Yes for me" or "Yes from me" when the participants pass the round? They sound almost the same for me and I can't tell so I ask the question. Thank you for your help.
Yes, I am / Yes, I'm - WordReference Forums
Jun 27, 2013 · "Yes, I am hungry" and "Of course I am pretty" are also correct. Here either "am" or "hungry", and "am" or "pretty" can be stressed, or both words in each sentence can have equal stress. Last edited: Jun 28, 2013
Yes, I like/ Yes, I do - WordReference Forums
Apr 26, 2012 · 12) Do you like your new job? Yes, I like. The correct answer is ‘incorrect’. But I am wonder why the sentence is incorrect. I thought It is a correct statement. If it is wrong, I guess the answer would be Do you like your new job? Yes, I do . (Why because the question starts with ‘Do’) But I am afraid that is my assumption right or not.