"IDK" Punchlines - Know Your Meme
"IDK" Punchlines refers to a series of recaption memes in which the entire punchline has been replaced with the word "IDK" (short for "I don't know"). Spawned by a viral What Happened to …
IDK I've Never - Know Your Meme
IDK I've Never and IDK I Haven't refer to a series of snowclone memes in which an uneducated guess is made about the plot of books, films and video games based solely on their name, …
My Prof: IDK - Know Your Meme
Jan 13, 2023 · My Prof: IDK refers to a series of jokes using a phrasal template in which college professors are confronted with arguments, which often reference prominent conspiracy …
What Happened to Him? - Know Your Meme
'IDK' Punchlines refers to a series of recaption memes in which the entire punchline has been replaced with the word "IDK" (short for "I don't know"). Spawned by a viral What Happened to …
IdkSterling Yapping - Know Your Meme
IdkSterling Yapping refers to a series of memes and parodies that show TikToker IdkSterling interrupting a video to "yap" exemplified by him being greenscreened in and sped-up, having …
I Dunno LOL ¯\(°_o)/¯ - Know Your Meme
About. I dunno LOL (emoticon: ¯\(°_o)/¯) is an expression denoting a sense of confusion, derived from the common English idiom "I don't know" and the acronym LOL which stands for "laugh …
IDK My BFF Jill - Know Your Meme
*"IDK My BFF Jill" is an SMS shorthand for "I don't know, my best friend forever Jill?" Since its first appearance in a mobile service commercial in early 2007, the phrase quickly became a …
I Have No Idea What I'm Doing - Know Your Meme
Meme Generator About "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing" is a catchphrase often used in image macro captions featuring photos of animals, typically canines, posed as if they are performing …
What Happened to Him? IDK | "IDK" Punchlines | Know Your Meme
May 10, 2021 · Who Is David Vujanić, aka Vuj? The Man Behind The 'Awkward White People Smile' Meme Revealed
Uncle Ben What Happened? IDK | "IDK" Punchlines | Know Your …
Nov 15, 2021 · idk i don't know Origin Entry: "IDK" Punchlines. File type: jpg Resolution: (800px x 901px) File size: 83.4 KB