IAR 99 - Wikipedia
The IAR 99[1] Șoim (Hawk) is an advanced trainer and light attack aircraft capable of performing close air support and reconnaissance missions. The IAR 99 replaced the Aero L-29 Delfin and Aero L-39 Albatros as the jet trainer of the Romanian Air Force. The aircraft is of semi-monocoque design, with tapered wings and a swept-back tail unit.
IAR 99教練機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
IAR 99教練機 又被稱為隼式教練機(羅馬尼亞語: Soim)的研製計劃始於1979年,目的是要取代捷克製 L-29海豚 教練機,IAR 99於1985年試飛成功並於1987年開始裝備羅馬尼亞空軍,1990年9月的法茵堡航空展首次公開給西方媒體
IAR-99“鹰”是由罗马尼亚航空研究院设计、前克拉约瓦飞机厂 (现罗马尼亚飞机公司)制造的串列双座高级喷气教练/轻型对地攻击机,于1983年巴黎航展期间首次露面。
IAR 99教练机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
IAR 99教练机 又被称为隼式教练机(罗马尼亚语: Soim)的研制计划始于1979年,目的是要取代捷克制 L-29海豚 教练机,IAR 99于1985年试飞成功并于1987年开始装备罗马尼亚空军,1990年9月的法茵堡航空展首次公开给西方媒体
Avioane IAR 99 Soim (Hawk) Advanced Jet Trainer / Light Strike …
Jan 3, 2024 · At the time of its inception, the IAR 99 proved notable as becoming the first wholly-designed and manufactured jet-powered trainer aircraft of Romanian origin, becoming a symbol of national pride. Additionally, it reduced the country's reliance on foreign powers when stocking its military inventory.
IAR-99C Soim Advanced Jet Trainer - Airforce Technology
Mar 28, 2005 · The IAR-99C, which can perform close air support roles, has high agility with a g-limit of +7 to -3.6G and a maximum speed of Mach 0.76. The IAR-99C Soim lead-in fighter/trainer is in service with the Romanian Air Force. Elbit Systems of Israel is the supplier of the aircraft's advanced avionics suite.
罗马尼亚设计和建造的喷气式教练机 - 搜狐
作为教练机完全够用了,能够训练驾驶F-16、F/A-18和JAS 39"鹰狮"战斗机的飞行员。 而且在不断升级中,目前正在开发IAR-99的现代化版本,称为IAR-99 TD,预计原型将在2022年完成。 返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑:
IAR-99 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The IAR-99 is a military training jet aircraft. It was designed and built in Romania by IAR (Industria Aeronautică Română). The IAR-99 was flown for the first time in 1985. It is used only by the Romanian Air Force.
IAR 99 – Avioane Craiova s.a. - acv.ro
Powered by Rolls-Royce Viper Mk632-41, maximum level speed (H=0) as trainer 865km/h (467 kts), self-sufficient range of 1,100 km (593 nautical miles) (2 hours and 40 minutes endurance without refuelling, on internal tanks only). Service ceiling 12,900 m (42,312 ft).
IAR 99 and Successors Program - INCAS
The IAR 99 and Successors Program includes all activities related to the conception, design, manufacturing assistance, testing, certification and operation of the Romanian light-attack trainer aircraft.