IS-2 - Wikipedia
The IS-2 (Russian: ИС-2, sometimes romanized as JS-2 [note 1]) is a Soviet heavy tank, the second of the IS tank series named after the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. It was developed and saw combat during World War II and saw service in other Soviet allied countries after the war.
IS-2 - Tank Encyclopedia
Jun 30, 2014 · Around 102 to 107 IS-122s were delivered between December 1943 and February 1944, and the name was changed to IS-2. The first version of the IS-2 (production name) was equipped with the A19 gun, and production started in November 1943 at the Chelyabinsk factory.
IS tank family - Wikipedia
The IS-2 was best used for bunker assault using its high-explosive ammunition, as its reload rate, just 2 rounds per minute, made it ineffective as a tank destroyer. The IS-3 saw service on the Chinese-Soviet border, the Soviet invasion of Hungary, the Prague Spring and on both sides of the Six-Day War.
IS-2 - War Thunder Wiki
The IS-2 is the early-generation second variant of the IS heavy tank family. With the arrival of the Panthers and Tiger Is on the German side, the escalation between German and Soviet engineers reached a new level, and the IS-2 was forced into service as …
IS-2 (1944) | War Thunder Wiki
The IS-2 model 1944 is the late-generation second variant of the IS heavy tank family. It features a uniformly sloped 100 mm hull upper front glacis plate at a 60° angle. Reliability was improved over time as well: the earliest IS-2s were only guaranteed…
IS-2 - 나무위키
"IS-2" 는 독소전쟁 당시 방어선 돌파를 목적으로 소련 에서 개발된 중전차 로, 제2차 세계 대전 종전 후 냉전 및 현대까지 후속 기종인 IS-3 와 사용됐다. ИС-2는 "Иосиф Сталин-2 (이오시프 스탈린 2형)" 의 약자로 이오시프 스탈린 서기장의 이름을 따와서 명명된 것으로, [1] 이 때문에 키릴 문자 사용권을 제외한 유럽이나 미국에서는 "JS-2" 라고 칭하였는데, 이는 서구 표기법에 의거해 …
IS-2 – Wikipedie
Nejznámějším tankem IS-2, který byl nesprávně zaměňován za T-34, je růžový tank v muzeu v Lešanech, který stával na pomníku v Praze jako tank č. 23. Tanky IS-2 byly po válce modernizovány a vyvezeny do zemí spřátelených se Sovětským svazem (Kuba, Egypt, Severní Korea, Čína, atd).
IS-2重型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
約瑟夫·斯大林2型重型坦克 (IS-2), 又稱JS-2 (Josef Stalin 2)重型坦克,是蘇聯的一款 二戰 重型坦克。 IS-2是以 約瑟夫·斯大林 的名字命名的。 [6] 它的出現主要是因為原本的KV重坦系列已經嚴重過時,完全無法擊穿德軍新式重型戰車裝甲,而後繼的IS-1(主炮口徑僅85mm)又無法解決問題而導致。 [6] 在二戰後,蘇聯曾將IS-2出口到幾個 共產主義陣營 國家。 雖然IS-1可以承受虎 …
IS-2重型坦克 - 百度百科
IS-2重型坦克(英文:IS-2 Heavy Tank),是20世纪40年代苏联研制装备的一种重型坦克。IS-2重型坦克车体和炮塔分别采用铸造和焊接结构,主要武器是一门122毫米火炮,火炮身管长为43倍口径,可以发射曳光穿甲弹和杀伤爆破榴弹以及穿甲高爆弹。
IS-2 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El IS-2, o Iósif Stalin-2 en honor al líder soviético Iósif Stalin (en inglés se le denomina JS-2 debido a que en ese idioma es traducido como Joseph Stalin), fue un tanque pesado soviético creado durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial como tanque de ruptura.