I.Q. ranges and real-life functioning - Paul Cooijmans
Bonobo or chimpanzee I.Q. scores are sometimes even quoted as high as 80 or 90, but those are childhood age-peer scores that correspond to adult I.Q.'s of only just over 40. Educable, can …
What does an IQ of 77 mean? | BrainTesting IQ experts
What does an IQ of 77 mean? The meaning of the IQ score can sometimes be confusing and difficult to understand. Often, you will find different explanations that do not really match up. So …
智商77意味着什么?| BrainTesting智商专家
iq分数是根据您在智力测试中获得的分数所分配的智力水平。 或者说,是您咨询的那个人的智力水平。 IQ始终是与参与测试构建的人员(也称为测试样本)所获得的平均测试结果进行比较的 …
What does an IQ 77 mean - Two great jobs fit your 77 IQ - Sociosite
What does an IQ 77 mean? An IQ of 77 is substantially below normal but somewhat higher than "developmentally handicapped." A person with an IQ 77 is unlikely to be able to construct such …
What Is the Average IQ? Normal Ranges, Chart, Uses, Scores - MedicineNet
Jul 17, 2024 · An IQ (intelligence quotient) test is a standardized method to know the mental ability of a person, usually against a peer group. IQ scores between 90 and 109 indicate …
智商,即智力商数(Intelligence Quotient),系个人 智力测验 成绩和同年龄被试成绩相比的指数,是衡量个人智力高低的标准 [1]。 20世纪初,法国心理学家 比奈 (Alfred Binet,1857年 …
了解智商等级 | 平均智商 | BrainTesting
实际上,iq计算中最重要且最易理解的数字是百分位数。 百分位数是与您(或测试者)相比,智力较低的人口百分比。 换句话说,就是您在智力上超过了多少百分比的人口。
What Does My IQ Score Mean? Your IQ Score Explained.
Use this table to interpret your IQ score on the IQ bell curve. A score of 100 is average. An IQ of 120 or greater is considered to be a superior IQ.
Meaning of an IQ of 77 - Explaining IQ
An IQ of 77 indicates a learning disability, with difficulties in everyday tasks and challenges in acquiring school or work skills.
智商测试 | 瑞文智力测试-2025版国际标准IQ测试题免费版
智商是测量个人智力发展水平的一种指标,简称iq,智商在很长一段时间内一直被人们看做是衡量人的心智素质的唯一指标。 一般说来,智商的高低反映了一个人智力水平的高低,也就是一 …