IKM : Assessments, Testing, Training, Recruitment, Certification
IKM enhances teams with precise skill assessments, optimizing talent acquisition and development. Our unique, efficient methodology elevates technical proficiency across organizations.
Skills Assessments | IKM : Assessments, Testing, Training, …
IKM’s online assessments offer a cost-effective and efficient solution for both pre-hire candidate screening and employee skill evaluations, using a blend of performance and knowledge-based approaches to halve the evaluation process.
Assessments, Testing, Training, Recruitment, Certification - IKM
IKM’s Assess-Train-Assess approach to workforce development facilitates initial assessment of skill gaps, training to meet the needs identified by the skill gap, then follow-up assessments to determine the extent of which the training need has been met.
About IKM | IKM : Assessments, Testing, Training, Recruitment ...
Used to facilitate Human Capital Management, IKM’s online assessments are perfect for: Pre-hire testing or candidate screening; Pre-training testing and post-training testing; Employee testing; Skill audits; Certification programs
Future Tests | IKM : Assessments, Testing, Training, Recruitment ...
Join other clients and use IKM's skills tests to improve your bottom line: Reduce hiring time and costs; Improve training ROI; Maximize productivity of your project teams; Improve skill-gap analysis workforce planning; Optimize career development; Reduce staff attrition; Improve corporate standards
Testing Methodology | IKM : Assessments, Testing, Training, …
For key roles in your organization, you should look to IKM’s assessments, providing accuracy and detail to effectively and efficiently conduct pre-hire testing, employee testing (such as pre-training testing and post-training testing) and certification programs.
About Our Assessments | IKM : Assessments, Testing, Training ...
Perfect for employment screening and testing, pre-training and post-training testing, certification and skill audits, IKM’s online assessments will allow you to determine skills, abilities, knowledge, attitude, and aptitude.
Knowledge Measurement | IKM : Assessments, Testing, Training ...
Incorporating a web-based assessment solution into your day-to-day process for recruitment drives, skill audits, project staffing and training will enable you to unleash the full potential of your employee base and add to your competitive advantage. IKM’s assessments allow you to: Conduct employment screening using pre-hire testing
PROGRAMMER SKILLS | IKM : Assessments, Testing, Training, …
Aug 25, 2021 · Non-IT personnel can be given separate PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS tests (Versions A and B). This test uses the IKM Linear Testing Platform which provides the same questions in the same order to every test taker.
Reporting and Analysis | IKM : Assessments, Testing, Training ...
IKM offers a wide range of reporting options depending on the assessment type and the methodology used. Using IKM’s Adaptive Methodology, all information generated by your employees or candidates throughout their assessment process is stored in a secure IKM HID (Human Intelligence Database).