H-pile dimensions from 1960s - Eng-Tips
2016年9月23日 · On construction drawings from the early 1960s, there is a note referring to all piles in this section to be "12"B.P. at 53 pounds". Are these BP 12x53 H-piles? Can somebody give me dimensions for this pile? Depth, flange width, web thickness, flange thickness, steel grade? I believe it would...
Pile Hammer Size / Driving Criteria - Foundation engineering - Eng …
2002年12月2日 · On a recent project I was involved with, GRL ran a WEAP analysis that told the contractor to drive the 75' long , 100 kip ultimate capacity, HP12x53 piles 70 feet through soft organic silts, through medium sand, into denser sand at only 10.2 blows per foot with an APE D19-42 diesel hammer having 41.8 ft-kips maximum rated energy. I reviewed the ...
Moment capacity of HP12x53 - Structural engineering general
2021年4月16日 · what is the moment capacity (allowable moment) for HP12x53 with a length of 5m (continuously supported)? I am asking because in CISC, it's not even class 3 and i end up removing some flange width to get it to class 3 and then only …
stiffener plates - Structural engineering general discussion - Eng-Tips
2008年6月27日 · Is there a simple methodology to increasing the moment capacity of a HP section by adding web stiffener plates? The application is a HP12x53 used as a waler for a braced sheet pile wall. I need to increase the flexural capacity at the strut locations since larger beam sizes are not available.
Micropile Connection for Fixity - Foundation engineering - Eng-Tips
2014年6月2日 · I'm a bit surprised at how much embedment they're calling for. TXDOT did some full-scale testing of H-piles (HP12X53) embedded in a concrete abutment cap and the piles hinged (developed the full plastic moment capacity), without breaking out if …
Stress Distribution in Concrete - Eng-Tips
2002年1月24日 · I have a HP12x53 embedded in a concrete slab. HP12x53 has a horizontal load. How do I determine the stress distribution in concrete. Can I assume a triangular distribution with the hinge at the top of the slab (ie zero stress at top)?. I …
Stress Distribution in Concrete - Eng-Tips
2002年4月1日 · I have a HP12x53 embedded in a concrete slab. HP12x53 has a horizontal load. How do I determine the stress distribution in concrete. Can I assume a triangular distribution with the hinge at the top of the slab (ie zero stress at top)?.
Re-using steel beams that have been cut with an oxy or ... - Eng-Tips
2017年12月21日 · As a bridge contractor, we had our own A36 non-compact beams (actually HP12x53, used as beams) for temporary forming the bottom of flat-slab bridge spans. We would field cut those beams "short" for one job then splice …
H Piles - End Bearing 1 - Eng-Tips
2001年12月18日 · Now, the area of a HP12x53 is about .1 ft^2. IF this pile bears on rock, my capacity is therefore only about 1600 pounds. What am I missing? How can I apply 200 kips bearing from H pile to a surface that can only handle 16 kips per sq. ft? Also, do the tops of the H piles need a base plate (like an inverted column) at the pile cap?
Corner Brace/Diagonal Strut Forces - Earth retention engineering
2021年4月15日 · Our connection is just fully welding (5/16" fillet) the strut (we'll call it a HP12x53) all around to the waler flange. This would be for a ring set waler with a strut in each corner. The issue came when we saw that they used spliced beams (moment/shear plate) from our yard for the strut and we were wanting to ensure that the splices are ...