Create a simple formula in Excel - Microsoft Support
How to create simple formulas in Excel using AutoSum and the SUM function, along with the add, subtract, multiply, or divide values in your worksheet.
Overview of formulas in Excel - Microsoft Support
Master the art of Excel formulas with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to perform calculations, manipulate cell contents, and test conditions with ease.
Create custom functions in Excel - Microsoft Support
A custom function must start with a Function statement and end with an End Function statement. In addition to the function name, the Function statement usually specifies one or more arguments. You can, however, create a function with no arguments.
Create formulas - Microsoft Support
Just like the desktop version of Excel, Excel for the web lets you use formulas and functions to perform calculations. Select a cell. Type the equal sign =. Type or select a cell, or type in a function, like SUM. Enter an operator, like minus -, or select the cells or range that are part of the function. Press Enter for the result.
Using IF with AND, OR, and NOT functions in Excel
How to use the IF function (combined with the AND, OR, and NOT functions) in Excel to make logical comparisons between given values.
IF function - Microsoft Support
The IF function is one of the most popular functions in Excel, and it allows you to make logical comparisons between a value and what you expect. So an IF statement can have two results. The first result is if your comparison is True, the second if your comparison is False.
Create a simple formula - Microsoft Support
You can create a simple formula to add, subtract, multiply, or divide values in your worksheet. Simple formulas always start with an equal sign (=), followed by constants that are numeric values and calculation operators such as plus (+), minus (-), asterisk(*), or forward slash (/) signs.
Enter a formula - Microsoft Support
Formulas are equations that perform calculations on values in your sheet. All formulas begin with an equal sign (=). You can create a simple formula by using constant and calculation operator. For example, the formula =5+2*3, multiplies two numbers and then adds a number to the result.
Create conditional formulas - Microsoft Support
Testing whether conditions are true or false and making logical comparisons between expressions are common to many tasks. You can use the AND, OR, NOT, and IF functions to create conditional formulas. For example, the IF function uses the following arguments. Formula that uses the IF function logical_test: The condition that you want to check.
IFS function - Microsoft Support
The IFS function checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns a value that corresponds to the first TRUE condition. IFS will allow you to include up to 127 pairs of conditions (the test if something is True and the result if something is true).