High-k metal gate (HKMG) technology for CMOS devices
By combining the metal gate and low-k dielectric, HKMG technology reduces gate leakage, thereby increasing the transistor capacitance and allowing chips to function with reduced power needs. The two common process flows to pattern the HKMG stack are gate-first and gate-last.
SK hynix Leading the Way in the HKMG Revolution - EE Times
Nov 8, 2022 · By using this new technology, SK hynix has dramatically improved transistor performance and has applied it to its new 1anm LPDDR5X DRAM, effective even at low power settings. This article will examine what HKMG is and look into the benefits of its use.
[Tech Pathfinder] HKMG Process Unlocks Next-Gen Mobile DRAM
May 3, 2023 · SK hynix Applies HKMG Process to Develop the World’s Fastest Mobile DRAM. Although HKMG was commercialized over a decade ago, various challenges were encountered during the development of this groundbreaking technology.
SK海力士引领High-k/Metal Gate工艺变革 | SK hynix Newsroom
Nov 8, 2022 · 因此,需要一种全新的解决方案来克服微缩基于多晶硅栅极/SiON氧化物的晶体管时存在基本限制,并且需要在DRAM中采用高k/金属栅极 (HKMG)技术,这促使逻辑晶体管技术实现了最重大的创新。 图2. Logic Scaling (逻辑微缩)的机遇与挑战. 借助HKMG,一层薄薄的高k薄膜可取代晶体管栅极中现有的SiON栅氧化层,以防止泄漏电流和可靠性降低。 此外,通过减小厚 …
Samsung Develops Industry’s First HKMG-Based DDR5 Memory; …
Samsung Electronics, the world leader in advanced memory technology, today announced that it has expanded its DDR5 DRAM memory portfolio with the industry’s first 512GB DDR5 module based on High-K Metal Gate (HKMG) process technology.
High-k and Metal Gate Transistor Research - Intel
Intel made a significant breakthrough in the 45nm process by using a "high-k" (Hi-k) material called hafnium to replace the transistor's silicon dioxide gate dielectric, and by using new metals to replace the N and PMOS polysilicon gate electrodes.
High-k/metal gates in leading edge silicon devices - IEEE Xplore
2007 saw the introduction of the first high-k/metal gate (HKMG) devices into the marketplace. This marked the return of metal-gate technology on silicon for the.
SK hynix Leading the Way in the HKMG Revolution
Nov 8, 2022 · Today, HKMG remains the most significant innovation in logic transistor technology, allowing further scaling to be achieved without degrading reliability or causing current leakage. …
High-k/metal gate innovations enabling continued CMOS scaling
High-k dielectrics and metal gate electrodes have entered complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) logic technology, integrated in both gate-first and gate-last schemes. We review gate-first high-k / metal gate (HKMG) innovations enabling continued device scaling to the 22 and 14 nm nodes and beyond. First, we summarize some of the insight that allowed early …
Machine learning investigation of high-k metal gate processes for ...
Feb 29, 2024 · In response to these challenges, researchers have explored the use of high-k/metal gate (HKMG) transistors for DRAM peripheral transistors. 1–3 In comparison with the pSiON technology, HKMG offers several advantages, including improved speed and better control of the leakage current.
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