jbracher/hhh4addon - GitHub
This repository contains a development version of hhh4addon, an add-on package to the surveillance package. hhh4addon adds functionality to surveillance:hhh4 which implements endemic-epidemic modelling for infectious disease count time series.
hhh4 function - RDocumentation
Fits an autoregressive Poisson or negative binomial model to a univariate or multivariate time series of counts. The characteristic feature of hhh4 models is the additive decomposition of the conditional mean into epidemic and endemic components (Held et al, 2005).
hhh4 : Fitting HHH Models with Random Effects and …
2024年10月2日 · Fitting HHH Models with Random Effects and Neighbourhood Structure Description. Fits an autoregressive Poisson or negative binomial model to a univariate or multivariate time series of counts. The characteristic feature of hhh4 models is the additive decomposition of the conditional mean into epidemic and endemic components (Held et al, 2005 ...
Overviews of the outbreak detection functionality of surveillance are given by Höhle and Mazick (2010) and Salmon et al. (2016). This document illustrates the functionality of the function hhh4 for the modelling of uni-variate and multivariate time series of infectious disease counts. It is part of the surveillance package as of version 1.3.
See vignette("hhh4") for a more general introduction to hhh4 models, including the uni-variate and non-spatial bivariate case.
hhh4_plot function - RDocumentation
There are six type s of plots for fitted hhh4 models: Plot the "fitted" component means (of selected units) along time along with the observed counts. Plot the estimated "season" ality of the three …
This introduction to spatio-temporal hhh4 models implemented in the R package surveillance is based on a publication in the Journal of Statistical Software – Meyer, Held, and Höhle (2017, Section 5) – which is the suggested reference if you use …
Fitting HHH Models with Random Effects and Neighbourhood Structure
Fits an autoregressive Poisson or negative binomial model to a univariate or multivariate time series of counts. The characteristic feature of hhh4 models is the additive decomposition of the conditional mean into epidemic and endemic components (Held et al, 2005).
常州国华数显恒温循环水浴锅HH-4(双列) - Sapeen
数显恒温水浴锅 广泛用于干燥、浓缩、蒸馏、浸渍化学试剂,生物制品,也可用于水浴恒温加热和其它温度试验,是生物、遗传、水产、环保、卫生、生化实验室、分析室、教育科研的必备工具。 数显恒温水浴锅 特点: 1、工作室水箱选用优质不锈钢,有优越的抗腐蚀性能。 2、温控精确,数字显示,自动控温。 3、操作简便,使用安全。
The function ‘ hhh 4 ’ in the R-package - Semantic Scholar
This document gives an introduction to the use of the function hhh4 for modelling univariate and multivariate time series of infectious disease counts and the modelling framework proposed by Held et al. (2005).
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