Preservation/Conversion of Hexis (dead rip off of osu) maps to Osu
Feb 17, 2023 · Today I've revisited an old Osu rip off called Hexis because of Lazer Pro skin cursor trail looking similar to Hexis default skin (Hexis has it's trail a bit thicker). While playing the maps I've had with the download from internet archive a thought came to my mind to convert the maps to Osu for preservation purpose.
Hexis - Reddit
my opinion is that hexis should go open source. instead of staying to a few developers. anyone let me know how I can become a developer and help out this game. Hi there. I'm an Osu! player that is currently trying to find a way to download Hexis out of curiosity and for experimentation.
Collecting Hexis maps to convert them to Osu for preservation ... - Reddit
Feb 17, 2023 · We have only 10 maps found in the download from internet archive. My question is if there's anyone here who still has all the maps saved somewhere and if they could share them with me. If you have at least some of them contact me on discord @ LosPedros#4772 or on Osu, my nickname is LosPedros. Here's the list of the maps I'm in possession of:
Hexis to osu! Replay Converter! - YouTube
Shoutouts to tree for making this insane replay converter! It converts Hexis replays to osu! Hexis was another ouendan clone that was around from 2013-2017. ...
Playing Hexis: The Dead osu! Clone - YouTube
A short playthrough on Hexis, the dead osu copy that died quite a long time ago. It was created due to unhappiness with how osu! was run, but barely got support from the dev at the end of its...
Hexis? What? · forum - osu!
In short, Hexis basically consists of outcasts and rejects of the osu! community who disagree with the direction in which this game is going and so have decided to sod off and create their own game to rival osu!.
who else thought this was the osu ripoff :: Hexis General Discussions
Apr 30, 2024 · In 2014, there was a rip-off of it called "Hexis" made by a different team that shut down in 2017. You can watch these videos to learn about the old "Hexis" game: YouTube™ Video: Playing Hexis: The Dead osu! Clone. A short playthrough on Hexis, the dead osu copy that died quite a long time ago. It was created due to unhappiness with how osu!
Digitalfear117/Hexis-to-osu--Beatmap-Converter - GitHub
This is a simple python script for converting a single Hexis .hbxml beatmap file to a single .osu beatmap file. This is the first version so there may be some bugs I didn't catch. One major thing to note. This converts Hexis hold notes into osu! mania hold notes.
M2U - Masquerade - osu.titanic.sh
This map was converted by Digitalfear117 using my Hexis to osu! map converter python script. osu! Standard. Geki (Elite Beat!) Katu (Beat!)
osu-skins-to-Hexis/README.md at master - GitHub
CLI utility in python to convert skins from osu! to Hexis - avail/osu-skins-to-Hexis