punctuation - When is there no comma after "he says"? - English ...
2015年9月29日 · The comma is necessary when the quotation is being said. To use you example: 'He said, "I'll be there in ten minutes.' requires a comma. If, however, you're quoting someone mid-sentence you only need the comma if it's a full sentence. For a short phrase like "just drive" that fits neatly into the sentence, the comma isn't necessary and neither is the capitalization. You always use a comma ...
When would you use "said he"? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2015年5月17日 · A hundred years ago it also sounded normal to say said he, but customs have changed; we no longer like to use inversion with pronouns. It sometimes sounds solemn because archaic language is often used for the express purpose of sounding solemn--but remember that you're reading Tolkien, who loved Old English and modelled his own writing after it.
What is the difference between "he was saying", "he says" and "he …
2019年8月28日 · He was saying adds the continuous sense to he said, it suggests that he spoke at length, and so "he is going to leave soon" is just a summary, not directly quoted speech.
Alternatives to "he said" in dialogue - Writing Stack Exchange
The simplest one: for a conversation between two people, don't give attributions like "he said", but just state it. If it's going to be a lengthy conversation, you can also throw names into their speech.
meaning - “He said, X” vs. “X, he said” vs. “X, said he” - English ...
He said, “ QQQ.” “ QQQ,” he said. “ QQQ,” said he. In particular, in what situations is the “inverted” VS 1 order of said he preferred over either or both of the two versions that use he said in the “normal” SV 2 order? Are these nothing more than three equal options that vary by individual writers’ personal tastes?
Is there a synonym / analogue to "he said, she said" that allows a ...
"He said, she said" has a sense that not only does an interaction look different from the two sides, but of an imbroglio. There are a couple of moments I can think of that are "he said, she said" ...
"had said" vs. "said" -- are these sometimes interchangeable?
2015年2月6日 · So, the sentence above is implying that "prosecutors had said" before something else in the past. That "something else" is either part of context (something said earlier) or something I'm hoping to get in the next sentence. When you don't use past perfect, the above implication doesn't exist.
I said / have said - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2018年4月13日 · So I said that I thought it was a great idea... "I've said" would be used when the speaker is not going to repeat exactly what they said, and often to back up a point: He's an idiot. I've said in the past that he shouldn't do that Here also is a similar post on “I have never said” versus “I never said” that you might find helpful.
Correct punctuation for he said, she said - Writing Stack Exchange
2015年11月7日 · It was recently suggested to me that when attributing dialogue after a quote it should always end comma close quote lowercase, as in: "That's what," he said. However, if the character speaks in
word order - "He/Peter said" vs. "Said he/Peter" - English …
2020年5月10日 · We often see "said he/Peter" or "he/Peter said" after the direct speech : "Your information is out of date" he said. "Your information is out of date" said he.