Heparin-binding growth factor-1 stimulation of human endothelial …
Feb 25, 1990 · Heparin-binding growth factor-1 (HBGF-1), also known as acidic fibroblast growth factor, is a potent mitogen for a variety of cell types including vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells.
Heparin-binding growth factor type 1 (acidic fibroblast growth …
Heparin-binding growth factor type 1 (HBGF-1; sometimes termed acidic fibroblast growth factor) is potentially an important factor in liver regeneration. HBGF-1 alone (half-maximal effect at 60 pM) stimulated hepatocyte DNA synthesis and bound to …
HBEGF Gene - GeneCards | HBEGF Protein | HBEGF Antibody
Dec 25, 2024 · HBEGF (Heparin Binding EGF Like Growth Factor) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with HBEGF include Diphtheria and Perinatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Among its related pathways are Apoptotic Pathways in Synovial Fibroblasts and Signaling by ERBB2 KD Mutants.
Heparin-binding growth factor-I (endothelial cell growth factor) binds ...
Feb 1, 1988 · Heparin-binding growth factor-I (HBGF-I) produces a significant increase in endothelial cell replication in vitro and may prove useful for endothelial regeneration and endothelial seeding in vivo. Heparin enhances the mitogenic effects of HBGF-I in vitro and may be an important adjunct to its pharmacologic use.
Heparin-binding growth factor type 1 (acidic fibroblast growth …
Heparin-binding growth factor type 1 (HBGF-1; sometimes termed acidic fibroblast growth factor) is potentially an important factor in liver regeneration. HBGF-1 alone (half-maximal effect at 60 pM) stimulated hepatocyte DNA synthesis and bound to …
Heparin-binding growth factor-1 stimulation of human ... - PubMed
Feb 25, 1990 · Heparin-binding growth factor-1 (HBGF-1), also known as acidic fibroblast growth factor, is a potent mitogen for a variety of cell types including vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells.
Clinical applications of heparin-binding growth factors
The family of HBGFs represents one of the most important families of mediators yet described, capable of inducing mesenchymal cell proliferation and differentiation, tissue regeneration, morphogenesis, and neovascularization, and it is clear their clinical potential is enormous.
Heparin-binding growth factor-l (HBGF-l), also known as acidic fibroblast growth factor, is a potent mitogen for a variety of cell types including vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells.
Purification and characterization of heparin-binding endothelial …
Feb 5, 1986 · Class 1 HBGFs are anionic mitogens of molecular weight 15,000-17,000 found in high levels in neural tissue and include acidic brain fibroblast growth factor and retina-derived growth factor.
Interleukin 1 regulates heparin-binding growth factor 2 gene
Jan 1, 1991 · Interleukin 1 regulates heparin-binding growth factor 2 gene expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. The angiogenic polypeptide heparin-binding growth factor 2 (HBGF-2), or basic fibroblast growth factor, is a mitogen for vascular smooth muscle cells in vitro and in vivo.