Rime ice - Wikipedia
Hard rime is a white ice that forms when the water droplets in fog freeze to the outer surfaces of objects. It is often seen on trees atop mountains and ridges in winter, when low-hanging clouds cause freezing fog.
What is Hard Rime? - Earth.com
Hard rime is a white colored ice caused by water droplets in fog freezing to the outer surfaces of objects. It occurs when low clouds cause freezing fog, and can be found on trees, atop mountains and high ridges in winter.
硬雾凇 - 百度百科
硬雾凇(hard rime )是雾凇的一种,云雾中的水滴冻结在寒冷物体的外表面上形成的冰晶。 它通常在云雾很低的时候出现在冬季的山顶和山谷里的树木上。
Dec 6, 2021 · As the weather cools, freezing fogs can occur, and when that fog is combined with wind, hard rime can form on windward (wind-facing) surfaces. “Rime” literally means “hoar frost,” and while slightly different on a meteorological level, “soft rime” is very similar to a thick hoarfrost.
What's the difference between Rime Ice and Hoar Frost?
Jan 5, 2021 · Rime ice can be classified as either hard or soft and will generally depend on the wind strength. Hard rime ice is very dense and trees appear to be flocked with the crystals. This occurs due to freezing fog when wind speeds are high, and temperatures range between 17-28°F.
Hard Rime - International Cloud Atlas
Definition: Hard rime: Granular rime, usually white, adorned with crystalline branches of grains of ice. Hard rime is formed by the rapid freezing of supercooled water so that the droplets freeze more or less individually, leaving air gaps. Near the ground, it is deposited mainly on objects exposed to at least moderate wind.
雪、霰、霧淞、霜怎分? 氣象局:都是冰!只是形成過程不同 | ETtoday生活新聞 | ETtoday新聞雲
Feb 5, 2019 · 什麼是霧淞(hard rime)? 「霧淞」的形成是由於過冷的水點撞擊暴露物體上迅速凍結,形成白色或乳白色不透明冰粒聚積物,就稱之為霧淞。
RIME: A physics-based optimization - ScienceDirect
May 1, 2023 · The RIME algorithm implements the exploration and exploitation behaviors in the optimization methods by simulating the soft-rime and hard-rime growth process of rime-ice and constructing a soft-rime search strategy and a hard-rime puncture mechanism.
RIME(雾凇优化算法)介绍 - CSDN博客
Apr 19, 2024 · The RIME consists of four stages: the initialization of rime clusters, the proposed soft-rime search strategy, the proposed hard-rime puncture mechanism, and the improvement of the greedy selection mechanism.
雾凇有什么分类? - 百度知道
Jan 3, 2021 · 软凇(英文:soft rime)是一种白色沉积物,水珠在半冷冻雾或薄雾冻结的外表面凝结,无风或微风状况下形成。 软雾凇通常可见于结冰树枝的迎风面、电线上、或其他固态物品。