Halothane - Wikipedia
Halothane (2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane) is a dense, highly volatile, clear, colourless, nonflammable liquid with a chloroform-like sweet odour. It is very slightly soluble in water and …
Minimum alveolar concentration - Wikipedia
Minimum alveolar concentration or MAC is the concentration, often expressed as a percentage by volume, of a vapour in the alveoli of the lungs that is needed to prevent movement (motor …
Minimum alveolar concentration: ongoing relevance and clinical …
2013年2月16日 · Since its introduction in 1965, minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) has served as the standard measure of potency for volatile anaesthetic agents. It is defined as the …
Halothane - Anesthesia General
2010年10月31日 · Anesthetic Properties of Halothane : It is potent anesthetic (MAC = 0.74). Blood gas coefficient of 2.4 makes it agent with moderate induction and recovery time. Not a …
Halothane | BrClHC2F3 | CID 3562 - PubChem
Halothane is a clear colorless highly volatile liquid with a sweet chloroform -like odor. Density 1.875 g / cm3. Boiling point 122.4 °F (50.2 °C). Noncombustible. Halothane is a haloalkane …
Halothane and Isoflurane Have Additive Minimum Alveolar Conc ... - LWW
Studies suggest that at concentrations surrounding MAC (the minimum alveolar concentration suppressing movement in 50% of subjects in response to noxious stimulation), halothane …
Although halothane belongs to the same efficacy of in-haled anesthetic agent, halothane has lower MAC (0.77%) comparing with others (MAC 1.92%), which indicates that halothane has a …
Minimum alveolar concentrations (MAC) of halothane, enflurane, …
The minimum alveolar concentrations (MAC) of isoflurane, enflurane, and halothane were determined in adult male ferrets during controlled ventilation at normothermia (37 degrees C).
Halothane Pharmacokinetics - Anesthesia General
2011年6月17日 · The MAC of halothane pharmacokinetics varies from 1.08 in neonates to 0.64 in the elderly, Addition of N20 in adults reduces MAC to 0.29%. The distribution of halothane is to …
Halothane - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Halothane produces a dose-dependent reduction (20–25%) in arterial blood pressure at its MAC and increases cerebral blood flow, raising intracranial pressure. It has no effect on systemic …