HTH™ Pool Care Shock: Pool Chlorine Shock | HTH Pools
Shock treat, sanitize, clarify and help prevent bacteria and algae in your swimming pool water, all with this convenient, easy-to-use pool chlorine shock. Multi-use pool shock with Cal Hypo; Use weekly to solve 90% of pool water problems; Fast-acting and fast-dissolving pool chlorine shock
HTH™ Pool Care Shock Advanced: Pool Shock for Algae
Our fast-dissolving 4-in-1 pool shock for algae formula kills bacteria and algae, reduces chlorine odor and restores water clarity. Find an HTH™ retailer now!
Pool Shock | HTH Pools
Visit HTH's™ site for our wide variety of pool shock products to keep your pool clear. Browse all of our shock for pools and find a retail store near you now!
HTH Super Shock All-In-One | Costco - Costco Wholesale
15 x 1 lbs. Shock Bags and 15 6-Way Test Strips; Treatment for Weekly Use, Prevents Bacteria and Algae; Use Weekly To Solve 90% of Swimming Pool Water Problems; Cal-Hypo Restores Pool Water Clarity To Prevent Over Stabilization or Chlorine Lock; 1 …
HTH 12 -Pack 16-oz. Cal Hypo Pool Shock - Lowe's
The 4-in-1 powerful pool shock designed to boost chlorine levels and kill and prevent bacteria and algae for a clear, healthy pool. Each pound of Super shock packs a powerful punch, treating 13,500 gallons and restoring crystal clarity in just 24 hours.
HTH 6 -Pack 16-oz. Cal Hypo Pool Shock - Lowe's
Compatible with all swimming pools: This product is great for all pool types including vinyl-lined pools and salt water systems. You're all clear with HTH: For best results, use with HTH® 6-Way Test Strips to test and balance your swimming pool water twice weekly
HTH 52037R Pool Care Shock Advanced, Swimming Pool …
FEATURES: Multi-functional shock treatment for weekly use to solve 90% of pool water problems within 24 hours and restore crystal clarity VISIBLY BRILLIANT SPARKLE: This Cal Hypo based formula sanitizes without adding cyanuric acid (CYA) to prevent overstabilization or chlorine lock
12 lb. Pool Care Shock Advanced (12-Pack of 1 lb. Shock) - The Home Depot
HTH Pool Care Shock Advanced works great to keep to keep the pool water clear. It's handy to have the resealable bag with slider guard. It's easy to add to the pool and helps reduce eye irritation.
HTH 88-oz. Cal Hypo Pool Shock - Lowe's
HTH Shock is the original swimming pool shock designed to boost chlorine levels and kill bacteria and algae for a clean, clear pool. Traditional chlorine products contain cyanuric acid (CYA). When too much CYA builds up, it can cause overstabilization or chlorine lock and cloud your water.
HTH 13 oz. Pool Care Shock 52031 - The Home Depot
Customers say that HTH Pool Care Shock is an effective and easy-to-use product that quickly clears cloudy or green pool water, often within hours. Many appreciate the convenient pre-measured packets, which eliminate the need for measuring and mixing.