HKT48 - YouTube
AKB48プロジェクト第4弾として福岡・博多に発足した『HKT48』の公式チャンネル。 hkt48.jp and 6 more links.
HKT48のオフィシャルサイト。メンバーのプロフィールやスケジュール、シングルの最新情報はこちら!HKT48 Mobileでは劇場公演はもちろん、コンサートやイベントのチケット先行にも応募できます!待受くじやモバイルラジオなどの限定コンテンツも配信中!
HKT48 - Wikipedia
HKT48 (read "H.K.T. Forty-eight") is a Japanese idol group produced by Yasushi Akimoto. HKT48 is named after the Hakata-ku, Fukuoka city of Fukuoka Prefecture, where Akimoto originally intended to base the group. [1] The group currently performs at City Bank HKT48 Theater in Fukuoka [2] and has sold nearly 4 million copies of CDs in Japan.
HKT48 - AKB48 Wiki | Fandom
HKT48 (short for Hakata48) is a Japanese all-female idol group based in Hakata, Fukuoka, where they have their own theater in E • ZO Fukuoka. The group, established in 2011, is the third Japan-based sister group of AKB48.
HKT48 Team H Profile (Updated!) - Kpop Profiles
HKT48 Team H is the first team of HKT48, the fourth sister group of AKB48 which performs in Hakata, Fukuoka, Japan. They currently have thirteen members and are under EMI Records. HKT48 Team H Official Color: Sulu Green. -She joined HKT48 as a Kenkyuusei in July 2011, then was promoted to a Team H member in March 2012.
HKT48 Members - AKB48 Wiki
HKT48 has had a total of 110 original members over their 7 generations (not including Draft, Kennin and transferred members). As of March 2025, HKT48 has 30 members & 17 Kenkyuusei.
HKT48 - Wikipedia
hkt48(エイチケーティー フォーティーエイト)は、福岡市を拠点とし北部九州を中心に活動する日本の女性アイドルグループ [3] [4] 。2011年 10月23日に誕生した。akb48グループのひとつであり、秋元康が総合プロデューサーを務める。
プロフィール。福岡・博多を拠点とするアイドルグループ hkt48のオフィシャルサイト。プロフィール、ニュース、スケジュール、公演情報等。
HKT48 - Wiki48 - Stage48
HKT48 (short for Hakata48) is a Japanese idol group and the 3rd sister group of AKB48. Since 2020, the group has their own theater at BOSS E-ZO Fukuoka in Fukuoka. Before this they performed theater shows at Nishitetsu Hall, Scala Espacio, and Papillion 24 Gas Hall.
HKT48 - 48plus
HKT48 (stands for H a k a t a48) is the fourth sister group of AKB48. HKT48 is named after the Hakata-ku, Fukuoka city of Fukuoka Prefecture, where Akimoto originally intended to base the group. Similar to other sister groups, HKT48 has the concept of 'Idols you can meet' too.