H22A4 in 93 SI wont start - Honda Prelude Forum
ok guys i just go done swapping in a H22A4 into my 93 SI. im running the factory H23A1 wiring and sensors along with a P13 computer and a 98 H22A4 engine. ive got everything done just …
H22A Swap hELP - Honda Prelude Forum
wELL i just got a jdm h22a i want to run obd1 instaed of obd2 i got the ecu harness and the distrubitor harness as well. but will i take anything from my old engine from the h22a4 to the …
My car runs without the ecu plugged in - Page 2 - Honda Prelude …
This guy seriously has some problems. My car runs without the ecu plugged in
Best way to hit 250-275 HP? - Page 2 - Honda Prelude Forum
Best way to hit 250-275 HP? Page 2 of 2 < 1: 2 LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes #31
Cant shift unless car is off.. whats wrong? - Honda Prelude Forum
looked all over everywhere to find out what was wrong, but i just adjusted my knock sensor to pull my car OUT of limp mode. had to remove the intake
Serious need for info/advice: 2000 Prelude - Honda Prelude Forum
Hello, everyone. I have recently purchased my first Prelude (I'm pretty stoked about it), and have some questions.
Help! Is anything suppose to be here? - Honda Prelude Forum
Hi all, I recently painted my valve cover and now it wont start! I know it isn't the battery as i did use jumper cables and started it.
HELP ME WITH MY 4th GEN! - Honda Prelude Forum
I need to know motor this is and what car it was from i dont know! please help me!!!
what do you like / dislike about your 'lude ? - Page 2 - Honda …
I like everything about the 5th Gen prelude, but what really catches my eyes are the exterior bodylines, the diamond headlamps, And It's A 2 Door. and
To keep the Lude or not to keep..This is my question! - Honda …
Hey there everybody, kinda worn out not getting much sleep last night after getting really twisted but i want some opinions so i have some questions...