Guo Ziyi - Wikipedia
Guo Ziyi (Kuo Tzu-i; Traditional Chinese: 郭子儀, Simplified Chinese: 郭子仪, Hanyu Pinyin: Guō Zǐyí, Wade-Giles: Kuo 1 Tzu 3-i 2) (697 – July 9, 781 [1]), posthumously Prince Zhōngwǔ of Fényáng (汾陽忠武王), was a Chinese military general and politician who ended the An Lushan rebellion and participated in expeditions ...
郭子仪(697年-781年7月9日 [81]),字子仪,华州郑县(今陕西 渭南 华州区)人,唐代中兴名将、政治家、军事家,寿州刺史 郭敬之 之子。 [1-3] 郭子仪出身于 华阴郭氏 [155],早年以 武举 高第入仕从军,积功至九原太守。 安史之乱 爆发后任 朔方节度使,率军勤王,收复河北、河东,拜 兵部尚书 、 同中书门下平章事。 至德 二年(757年),收复 两京 有功,加 司徒 、代国公。 又进位 中书令。 乾元 二年(759年),承担相州兵败之责,失去兵权,处于闲官。 宝应 元 …
Guo Ziyi | Tang Dynasty, Military Strategist, Poet | Britannica
Guo Ziyi (born 697, Huaxian, Shaanxi province, China—died July 781, China) was one of the greatest of Chinese generals, later deified in popular religion. Guo served three emperors of the Tang dynasty and is most noted for his successful fight against the rebellion of the Chinese general An Lushan in 755–757.
Guo Ziyi - Heroic General of the Tang Dynasty | ChinaFetching
Guo Ziyi (697 — 781) was a heroic marshal who saved the Tang Dynasty from destructive rebel wars and invasions. He was also a brilliant politician and a benevolent individual respected by everyone, including the four emperors he had served. With his exceptional military talent and wisdom, Guo Ziyi protected his country and flourished his clan.
The Banquet of Guo Ziyi | Korea | Joseon dynasty (1392–1910)
This eight-panel folding screen depicts a banquet honoring Guo Ziyi (697–781), a famed general of China’s Tang dynasty (618–907). In addition to his individual achievements, he lived until he was 85 years old, and his children and family were also successful.
Ziyi Guo - Google Scholar
Ziyi Guo. Baidu.com. Verified email at baidu.com. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. Cited by. Year; Streaming Graph Neural Networks. Y Ma, Z Guo, Z Ren, E Zhao, J Tang, D Yin. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.10627, 2018. 294: 2018: Decoupled graph convolution network for ...
郭子仪 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2022年1月20日 · 英文名称 Guo Ziyi 籍贯 华州郑县(今陕西华县)
Guo Ziyi | Britannica
Guo Ziyi (born 697, Huaxian, Shaanxi province, China—died July 781, China) was one of the greatest of Chinese generals, later deified in popular religion. Guo served three emperors of the Tang dynasty and is most noted for his successful fight against the rebellion of the Chinese general An Lushan in 755–757.
郭子儀 - Chinese Text Project - 中国哲学书电子化计划
Guo Ziyi (Kuo Tzu-i; Traditional Chinese: 郭子儀, Simplified Chinese: 郭子仪, Hanyu Pinyin: Guō Zǐyí, Wade-Giles: Kuo1 Tzu3-i2) (697 – July 9, 781), posthumously Prince Zhōngwǔ of Fényáng (汾陽忠武王), was the Tang dynasty general who ended the An Lushan Rebellion and participated in expeditions against the Uyghur Khaganate ...
Guo Ziyi - World Mythos
2024年12月20日 · Guo Ziyi is a prominent figure in Chinese mythology and history, often celebrated for his heroic deeds and contributions to the Tang Dynasty. He is depicted as a symbol of loyalty, bravery, and wisdom.