Yu GU's homepage - UMD
GU, YU 谷雨 . Email: [email protected]; Office Address: 2313 Kirwan Hall About me: I am an associate professor at University of Maryland, College Park. I obtained my PhD from Columbia in 2014 and did a postdoc at Stanford in 2014-2017. I was a research member of MSRI in fall 2015. I was an assistant professor at CMU in 2017-2021.
YU GU Abstract. This is the lecture note for a course I taught in spring 2022 at the University of Maryland, College Park. It is mostly about the analysis on Gaussian space and how integration by parts can be useful in di erent contexts. The three examples we consider are (i) …
YU GU, LI-CHENG TSAI Abstract. For the heat equation driven by a smooth, Gaussian random potential: @tu" = 1 2 u" + u"(˘" c"); t>0;x2R; where ˘" converges to a spacetime white noise, and c" is a diverging constant chosen properly, we prove that u" converges in Ln to the solution of the stochastic heat equation for any n>1. Our proof is ...
Alexander Dunlap* Yu Gu† Abstract We consider a nonlinear stochastic heat equation in spatial dimension 3=2, forced by a white-in-time multiplicative Gaussian noise with spatial correlation length Y¡0 but divided by a factor of p logY1. We impose a condition on the Lipschitz constant of the nonlinearity so that the problem is in the “weak
Eitan Tadmor Course, Homepage for Math698T, Spring13 - UMD
Yu Gu : Directed polymers and BBGKY : Posting on the Mathematics Department Website . RIT Related Local Activities . PDE/Applied Math Seminar: 3:30pm Thursdays, MATH 3206 ; Numerical Analysis Seminar: 3:30pm Tuesdays, MATH 3206 ; CSCAMM Seminar: 2:00pm Wednesdays, CSIC 4122 ; Eitan Tadmor
ofcorrelationsofΨ(t,x) doesnotallowustoapplythecentrallimittheoremdirectlytointegralsonthemacroscopicscaleε−1,thinkingoftheintegralasasumoverε−dboxes.Inasense ...
Yu Gu Lenya Ryzhik Abstract We analyze the solutions of the Schr odinger equation with the low frequency initial data and a time-dependent weakly random potential. We prove a homogenization result for the low frequency component of the wave eld. We also show that the dynamics generates a non-trivial
May 2, 2013 · Introduction to Primality Testing. Goal: given an integer n > 1, determine whether n is prime. Most people know the smallest primes . 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, …
0141 M 3-350pm in MTH 0303 Nathan Yu W 3-350pm in MTH 0303 Madolyn Britt 0142 M 3-350pm in MTH 0105 Gareth Johnson W 3-350pm in MTH 0105 Ben Daniels Classroom ground rules: Use of electronic devices is forbidden during lectures and discussion (except