Shuo Gu, Ph.D. | Principal Investigators - NIH Intramural Research …
2024年9月20日 · By combining genetic studies with biochemical and structural approaches, we established the tertiary structure of pri-miRNAs and their specific interactions with Drosha as …
Shuo Gu - Google Scholar
NIH Senior Investigator, RNA Biology Laboratory, NIH/NCI - Cited by 2,501 - RNAi - microRNA - isomiR - TENT - gene therapy
Shuo Gu, Ph.D. | Center for Cancer Research
New research from Shuo Gu, Ph.D., Investigator in the RNA Biology Laboratory, shows that when a microRNA undergoes a common modification called uridylation, its genetic targets change. A …
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Dahua Shou (寿大华) - Google Scholar
S Yu, Y Gu, X Chao, G Huang, D Shou. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11 (12), 5978-6015, 2023. 61: 2023: The homotopy perturbation method for nonlinear oscillators. DH Shou. …
搜狗搜索引擎 - 上网从搜狗开始
Mike Z. SHOU - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
DJ Zhang, JZ Wu, JW Liu, R Zhao, L Ran, Y Gu, D Gao, MZ Shou. International Journal of Computer Vision, 1-15, 2024. 179: 2024: Low-shot learning via covariance-preserving …
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Fengshou Gu | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Fengshou Gu received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., in 2008. He is currently a Professor with the Centre for Efficiency and Performance Engineering, …
Gu shou (movie, 1983) - Kinorium
Tommy Chen wants to become a professional drummer. Because of his loud practice sessions at home he gets into trouble with the neighbors and his father. But especially his grandpa and his …
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