Town of Gordo, Alabama – Town website
Gordo is more than just a place; it’s a close-knit community where everyone knows your name and a welcoming smile is just around the corner. From local events that bring us together to the hidden gems that make our town special, there’s always something to celebrate in Gordo.
Community Information – Town of Gordo, Alabama
The Town of Gordo is served by a 5 member Council representing 5 distinct districts and a Mayor representing the whole town.
Gordo City Council – Town of Gordo, Alabama
The Town of Gordo is served by a 5 member Council representing 5 distinct districts and a Mayor representing the whole town. The Gordo City Council meeting is held the first Monday of each month (unless moved for unforeseen conflicts or holidays) at 5:30 pm. in the Council Chambers at the Gordo Municipal Complex.
Contact Information – Town of Gordo, Alabama
City Clerk/Court Clerk. Phone: 205-364-7111 ext. 2. P.O. Box 348. Gordo, AL 35466. Chief of Police. Phone: 205-364-7111 ext. 3. P.O. Box 348. Gordo, AL 35466
Business License – Town of Gordo, Alabama
Town of Gordo, Alabama. Town website. Menu and widgets. Home Page; Contact Information; Up Coming Events; News; Community Information; Business License. Business License; Insurance Company License Tax; Municipal Court; Gordo Police Department; Gordo City Council; Business License *The business license renewal process has changed for 2025!*
Municipal Court – Town of Gordo, Alabama
The Gordo Municipal Court is held on the first Tuesday of each month (unless moved for unforeseen conflicts or holidays) at 4:00 pm. in the courtroom at the Gordo Municipal Complex at 25226 Highway 82. You can now pay your court fines on line through myfinepayment.com or at (877) 591-8768.
Government – Town of Gordo, Alabama
Town of Gordo, Alabama. Town website. Menu and widgets. Home Page; Contact Information; Up Coming Events; News; Community Information; Business License
Contacts – Town of Gordo, Alabama
Contact: Phone Number: Address: Mayor: 205-364-7111 ext. 1: P.O. Box 348 Gordo, AL 35466: City Clerk/Court Clerk: 205-364-7111 ext. 2: P.O. Box 348 Gordo, AL 35466
Police Department – Town of Gordo, Alabama
The Gordo Police Department has six officers and their office is located at 25226 Highway 82 in Gordo. Regular business hours are 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays which are listed below and accident reports can be picked up during these times.
Municipal Court – Town of Gordo, Alabama
The Gordo Municipal Court is held on the first Tuesday of each month (unless moved for unforeseen conflicts or holidays) at 4:00 pm. in the courtroom at the Gordo Municipal Complex at 25226 Highway 82. You can pay your court fines online through myfinepayment.com or …