What should be the values of GOPATH and GOROOT?
GOPATH is discussed in the cmd/go documentation: The GOPATH environment variable lists places to look for Go code. On Unix, the value is a colon-separated string. On Windows, the value is a semicolon-separated string. On Plan 9, the value is a list. GOPATH must be set to get, build and install packages outside the standard Go tree.
linux - How do I SET the GOPATH environment variable on …
Aug 24, 2016 · GOPATH is an environment variable to your work-space location. GOROOT is an environment variable to your installation directory. Although GOROOT and GOPATH is automatically set (if there would not be a bug) during the
go - Can someone explain why GOPATH is convenient and how it …
GOPATH allows you to collect dependency source code and the resulting compiled binaries in one place. This seems like a really attractive idea. However, I found myself working on several totally unrelated Go projects and an alternative approach suited me better.
go - Can I have multiple GOPATH directories? - Stack Overflow
The GOPATH environment variable lists places to look for Go code. On Unix, the value is a colon-separated string. On Windows, the value is a semicolon-separated string. On Plan 9, the value is a list. GOPATH must be set to get, build and install packages outside the standard Go tree. Each directory listed in GOPATH must have a prescribed structure:
go - How to get current GOPATH from code - Stack Overflow
Sep 18, 2015 · Also note that to build a file path after getting the GOPATH, I had to use path/filepath.Join() not path.Join(). The former will use \ on windows if the first arg contains \, and / for others. Although windows can accept / for paths apparently, all of my PATH and GOPATH-like environmental variables are written with the normal \ of windows.
go - How to configure GOPATH? - Stack Overflow
Nov 4, 2017 · You need to set the GOPATH environment variable. How you do this varies depending on your operating system. Here are examples of how to set the PATH environment variable, just modify the instructions to set GOPATH instead. Also see How to Write Go Code for more details on setting up your workspace and setting GOPATH.
When is it really necessary to place Go source code in $GOPATH/src?
Apr 19, 2017 · Take a look at this shell session, where I build a simple hello world program in Go. $ cd ~/lab/hello/ $ ls hello.go $ cat hello.go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Printf("hello,
windows - GOPATH value setting - Stack Overflow
Aug 26, 2014 · I'm install the go with the go1.3.1.windows-amd64.msi, after installation GOROOT is default setting, I found the D:\\Programs\\Go\\bin in the PATH,then I create a GOPATH environment variant, when us...
windows - Gopath environment errors - Stack Overflow
Note that I specificy GOPATH as well as cwd (current working directory) I open my file relative from the workspace root (that way, the breakpoints are recognized). A simple F5 from main.go does run delve successfully (on Windows!) With that, I can launch VSCode from a cmd Windows shell which has no GOROOT or GOPATH set, and it still
go - how to modify GOPATH in powershell - Stack Overflow
Sep 25, 2012 · [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GOPATH", "C:\Your\Path", "User") One thing to watch out for: when we used SetEnvironmentVariable to create a new user- or machine-level environment variable that variable didn’t always show up when we ran this command in Windows PowerShell: Get-ChildItem Env: