GoPro Hero 8: Output - GoPro Support Hub
The GoPro Hero 8 does not support a USB-C to HDMI connection. You will need the GoPro Media Mod if you want to display footage from your camera directly to your TV via the HDMI. …
Hero 8 black non funziona - GoPro Support Hub
Hero 8 black non funziona La mia gopro hero 8 dopo 1 anno di utilizzo, con custodia subacquea originale , batteria originale e tenuta in modo perfetto, si blocca. Il led rosso anteriore resta …
GoPro Support
GoPro Support. Expand search ... GoPro, HERO and their respective logos are trademarks or registered ...
Hero 8 black video output to TV via usb-c to hdmi cable - GoPro …
Tried to connect Hero 8 black to my 4k TV using usb-c to hdmi cable. TV would not recognize any input signal. How do I play gopro video from hero 8 black to 4K T
No GPS Data Hero 8 Black - GoPro Support Hub
We gopro members here who Use th GPS are not able since Oct 2017 to use the Desktop Quick with the Hero 7 and now Hero 8, we all shoul get a free hero 6 to use until the fix comes about. …
Hero 8, Keep Crashing - GoPro Support Hub
Hero 8, Keep Crashing At first, the recorded video are frozen after a few minutes of recording but the sound still on going. Then, next time I tried to record a video, the GoPro keep crashing.
GoPro Hero 8 Black gets really hot! - GoPro Support Hub
So we have only had our new GoPro Hero 8 for 5 days and today recorded video in standard 1080p for approximately 50 min. When I went to turn off the camera it was hot with the battery …
Minimum micro SD for Gopro Hero 8 - GoPro Support Hub
Why do you want 128GB of space? 64GB is a much more efficient storage device for GoPro cameras. Unless you are doing extended recording with external power, the battery will …
Gopro Hero 8 Black screen cracked - GoPro Support Hub
I orderd a simple ULIZE metal cage for my GoPro Hero 8 so I can put filters on my lens and protect the lens at the same time. Sure its a hair bigger body style now with the cage on the …
GoPro Hero 8 burning hot! - GoPro Support Hub
Done numerous tests and I still got overheating problem even when I do recording on 1080/30/W, (all turned OFF: wi-fi, gps, voice command, hyper-smooth, screen set to be off after 1min, …