Compacted graphite iron - Wikipedia
Compacted graphite iron (CGI), also known as vermicular graphite iron (GJV, VG, [1] JV[2] or GGV from the German: "Gusseisen mit Vermiculargraphit"[3]) especially in non-English speaking countries, [4] is a metal which is gaining popularity in applications that require either greater strength, or lower weight than cast iron.
GJV Fingerprint Door Look, 6-in-1 Keyless Entry Door Lock
Jun 22, 2023 · 【6-in-1 smart lock】High-precision fingerprint recognition, anti-peep keyboard, key FOB, Bluetooth, gateway, and mechanical key. No more searching for keys in a hurry. Our keyless door lock brings tremendous convenience to every home, apartment, hotel, and office.
蠕墨铸铁国际标准ISO16112有5个牌号的蠕墨铸铁,从强度最低的300MPa到最高的500MPa (GJV 300至GJV500),对每一个牌号,石墨组织都要求蠕化率>80%。 珠光体含量可以根据应用加以选择,牌号GJV300为铁素体基体,GJV500为全部珠光体基体。 与灰铁和球铁一样,可以在蠕墨铸铁中加入特殊合金元素提高其高温强度,耐磨性或其它性能。 蠕墨铸铁也可以进行各种热处理,包括等温淬火。 蠕墨铸铁的典型化学成分范围列在下面。 蠕墨铸铁的化学成分根据机械性能的需要来选择。 …
铸铁国际标准体系及国内外主要牌号对照.PDF 免费在线阅读
Sep 19, 2019 · 介绍了国际标准化组织制定的铸铁标准体系,并与我国国家标准体系进行了对比分析; 列出了我国国家标准铸铁牌号与国际标准化组织标准、欧盟标准、美国材料学会标准、美国 汽车工程师学会标准和日本标准牌号的对照表。 我国铸铁国家标准基本上已与国际先进标准 接轨,并且我国还制定了实用性强、能有效指导生产实际的系列铸铁金相检验标准。 关键词:铸铁;标准;牌号 自2001年起我国铸件产量就位居世界第一。 2017年,中国铸件产量达4 940万 吨, …
EN-GJV-300 5.2100 - DIN EN 10679-2012 - 材数库
特性:强度最低,韧性最高;高导热系数和低弹性模量最大限度地减少累积的热诱发应力。 主要是铁素体基体,在长时间暴露于高温下,最大限度地减少生长。 注:数据仅供参考! 如有疑问,请填写"我要纠错"!
蠕墨铸铁性能特点和典型应用 - 百度文库
材料强度、刚性和热传导综合性能好; 较好的耐磨性。 比 RuT400 有更高的强度、刚性和耐磨性,不过 切削性能稍差。 强度高,塑韧性低。 耐磨性最好,切削性差。 排气歧管; 涡轮增压器壳体; 离合器零部件; 大型船用和固定式发动机缸盖。 机床底座、托架和联轴器; 离合器零部件; 大型船用和固定式柴油机缸体和缸盖; 铸锭模。 汽车发动机缸体和缸盖; 机床底座,托架和联轴器; 重型卡车制动鼓; 泵壳和液压件; 铸锭模。 汽车发动机缸体和缸盖; 气缸套; 火车制动 …
EN-GJV-500 5.2301 - DIN EN 10679-2012 - 材数库 - caishuku.com
特性:强度高,延展性低;耐磨性很好和切削加工性差。 注:数据仅供参考! 如有疑问,请填写"我要纠错"!
EN-GJV-500 - DIN EN 10679-2012 - 材数库 - caishuku.com
GJV Website
Green Jacket Ventures is a real estate investment, development and operating company. GJV seeks to acquire, reposition and manage well-located, high quality commercial real estate properties across multiple asset classes in the New York Tri-State area. GJV was founded by David Milch in 2023.
EN-GJV-450 | 5.2300 Material Datasheet - Properties - Materials …
EN-GJV-450: Predominantly pearlitic compacted (vermicular) graphite iron with higher strength, stiffness and wear resistance than EN-GJV-400, but lower workability. Application: engine blocks and cylinder heads of vehicles, cylinder liners, railway …
EN-GJV-350 (UNE): Properties, Composition, and Best Uses - Total …
Find in-depth details on EN-GJV-350 in UNE: exact chemical makeup, physical and thermal properties, strength ratings, and ideal applications. Total Materia equips you with clear, specific data for engineering and manufacturing decisions.
Global Justice Voices
Dec 21, 2024 · Originally launched as a podcast, GJV has grown into a movement dedicated to uplifting grassroots leaders and addressing critical barriers to equity and inclusion. Youth leaders were also introduced to the Young Professional Fellowship (YPF), a platform to foster professional growth, networking, and leadership skills. Highlights of the Day.
RuT450 - GB /T 26655-2022 - 材数库
壁厚 t mm 试验温度 抗拉强度 σ b Mpa 屈服点 σ s Mpa 断后伸长率或延伸率 δ % 硬度 HBW; 单铸试样: 室温: ≥450: ≥315: ≥1: 200~250: 铸件: 23°C
Journal of General Virology | Microbiology Society
Journal of General Virology has been publishing peer-reviewed research for more than 50 years. We recognise the importance of virology as a unique discipline within microbiology, and actively collaborate with partners such as the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) to support the global virology community.
Vermicular Graphite Cast Iron - Total Materia
The designation “cast iron with vermicular-type graphite (GJV)” is derived from the worm-like appearance of the graphite in a micrographic specimen. The three-dimensional structure becomes apparent in a scanning electron microscope after the metallic matrix has been removed by …
有5 个牌号的蠕墨铸铁,从强度最低的300mpa 到最高的500mpa(gjv 300 至 gjv500),对每一个牌 号,石墨组织都要求蠕化率>80%。 珠光体含量可以根据应用加以选择,牌号GJV300 为铁 素体基体,GJV500 为全部珠光体基体。