Flutter Getx Documentation - GitHub Pages
Get Started State & Reactive Programming Management Getx is a library that helps you to manage your app state, reactive programming and User Interface (UI) to your Business Logic (Back-end) in a simple and intuitive way.
Overview | Flutter Getx Documentation - GitHub Pages
About Get 📚 GetX is an extra-light and powerful solution for Flutter. It combines high-performance state management, intelligent dependency injection, and route management quickly and practically.
Why GetX? | Flutter Getx Documentation - GitHub Pages
Get centralizes the main resources for development (State, dependency and route management), allowing you to add a single package to your pubspec, and start working. After a Flutter update, the only thing you need to do is update the Get dependency, and get to work.
Overview | Flutter Getx Documentation - GitHub Pages
May 4, 2023 · State Management . GetX does not use Streams or ChangeNotifier like other state managers. Why? In addition to building applications for android, iOS, web, windows, macos and linux, with GetX you can build server applications with the same syntax as Flutter/GetX.
Simple State | Flutter Getx Documentation - GitHub Pages
Get engages all high and low level Flutter APIs within itself, to ensure that you work with the least possible coupling. We centralize everything in a single package, to ensure that you don't have any kind of coupling in your project.
Reactive State | Flutter Getx Documentation - GitHub Pages
Reactive programming with Get is as easy as using setState. Let's imagine that you have a name variable and want that every time you change it, all widgets that use it are automatically changed. This is your count variable:
Route Management | Flutter Getx Documentation - GitHub Pages
Route Management. In this section, you will learn how to manage routes in your application. 📄️ Overview 📚. Overview
Mixin State | Flutter Getx Documentation - GitHub Pages
Mixing the two state managers . Some people opened a feature request, as they wanted to use only one type of reactive variable, and the other mechanics, and needed to insert an Obx into a GetBuilder for this.
GetX Overview | Flutter Starter Dev - chornthorn.github.io
Introduction > Getting Started: Resources to get started learning and using Redux
State Management | Flutter Getx Documentation - GitHub Pages
State Management. In this section, you will learn how to manage the state of your application. 📄️ Overview 📚. State Management. 📄️ Reactive State. Reactive State Manager