Gasogene - Wikipedia
The gasogene (or gazogene or seltzogene) is a late Victorian device for producing carbonated water. It consists of two linked glass globes: the lower contained water or other drink to be made sparkling, the upper a mixture of tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate that reacts to produce carbon dioxide .
GASOGENE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of GASOGENE is a portable apparatus for carbonating liquids.
A gasogene, or seltzogene as it was also commonly known, was a late Victorian device for producing and delivering carbonated water. The gasogene was developed in the early 1880’s, and continued in use
Victorian soda maker Gasogene - YouTube
Victorian era experts Sarah and Gabriel Chrisman explain a 19th-century soda making device called a gasogene, and give a very brief overview of the role of c...
2014年10月21日 · To automotive historians, a gasogene was the answer to wartime shortages of gasoline, a means of producing combustible gases on-board by burning coal, charcoal or wood. And to motorsport enthusiasts of similar historical…
gasogene - definition and meaning - Wordnik
noun A type of Victorian seltzer-bottle, which consisted of two mesh-encased glass globes arranged so that a reaction between tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate produced carbon dioxide gas which carbonated the enclosed beverage and expelled it through a siphon valve. Sorry, no etymologies found.
Gasogene - definition of gasogene by The Free Dictionary
Define gasogene. gasogene synonyms, gasogene pronunciation, gasogene translation, English dictionary definition of gasogene. n obsolete a Victorian device for carbonating liquid Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers...
What does gasogene mean? - Definitions.net
The gasogene (or gazogene or seltzogene) is a late Victorian device for producing carbonated water. It consists of two linked glass globes: the lower contained water or other drink to be made sparkling, the upper a mixture of tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate that …
GASOGENE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
GASOGENE definition: a Victorian device for carbonating liquid | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Gasogene — The Tizzano Museum
The Gasogene or Gazogene was a mid-19th century French device that varied in size from one quart to five gallons. The device was used in for making carbonated water in the pharmacy.