射频探针简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
探针结构分为gs(接地-信号)、gsg(接地-信号-接地)以及gssg(接地-信号-信号-接地)三种。 最常见的射频探针结构类型为GSG,该结构与共面波导类似。 探针间距
各种射频测试探针RF Probe讲解_相关 - 搜狐
2020年5月5日 · Probe pitch :指的是针尖(Probe Tips)之间的间距,一般在50-1000um之间不等。对于毫米波频率的应用,针尖间距一般都比较小。 Probe skate :当你在Z轴方向往下“按压”探针时,当探针接触到DUT,它将在ZY平面弯曲移动。通常,这也是我们判断针是否扎上的一个现象。
Coaxial RF GS and GSG Probes and Positioner - Pasternack
Our RF coaxial GSG and GS probe series provides return loss better than 10 dB and a maximum operating frequency of 40 GHz. Pasternack coaxial RF microwave GS and GSG probe components feature 2.92mm and 3.5mm female interfaces, a pitch of 800 or 1500 microns and can be cable-mounted.
Infinity Probe - Coaxial - High Frequency Probes - FormFactor, Inc.
Ideal for device characterization and modeling, Infinity probe combines extremely low contact resistance on aluminum pads with unsurpassed RF measurement accuracy for highly reliable, repeatable measurements. Proprietary thin-film and coaxial probe technology reduces unwanted couplings to nearby devices and transmission modes.
Coaxial RF GSG Probe with 800 Micron Pitch Up to 40 GHz with …
Coaxial RF GSG Probe with 800 Micron Pitch Up to 40 GHz with 2.92mm Interface and Cable Mount is part of over one million superior quality rf products shipping globally with no minimum purchase required. Visit Fairview Microwave to choose your Coaxial RF GSG Probe with 800 Micron Pitch Up to 40 GHz with 2.92mm Interface and Cable Mount.
同轴射频GS、GSG探针和定位器 - Pasternack
Pasternack的PCB同轴射频探针和定位器产品系列是信号集成测量的完美选择。其它射频微波同轴GSG和GS探针应用包括共面波导、芯片评估、基板表征、测试夹具和千兆位SERDES应用。 Pasternack 射频同轴GSG和GS探针系列回波损耗高于10 dB,最大工作频率在40 GHz。
RF Coaxial GSG Probe, 800 Micron Pitch, Up to 40 GHz
RF Coaxial GSG Probe, 800 Micron Pitch, Up to 40 GHz, Cable Mount, 2.92mm Interface Same-day shipping if you order in the next hours! U.S. and Canada (866) 727-8376 International +1 (949) 261-1920
PICOPROBE® Dual Microwave Probe - GGB
The PICOPROBE® DUAL MICROWAVE PROBE consists of two separate probes mounted on a single holder. One probe is fixed to the holder; the other is adjustable. Each probe may be individually configured with GSG, GS, or SG footprints …
GSG Microwave Probes | Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc.
GSG Microwave Probes. Coplanar waveguide probe with ground-signal-ground (GSG) contact geometry. User-specified pitch (spacing). Optimized low thermal conductivity coaxial leading to low thermal conductivity tips. The integrated probe and mount includes a pair of copper braids that anchor to the sample stage to cool the probe. Limited to 475 K.
Types of RF Wafer Probes: GS, GSG, GSSG, GSGSG
2024年12月11日 · The GSGSG (Ground-Signal-Ground-Signal-Ground) probe is the multi-signal version of the GSG, with two signals separated by grounds. It’s built for high-frequency differential signal testing, offering top-notch isolation and performance.