GMO Crops On The Market in the U.S. | List of GMO Foods - GMO …
The most common GMO crops include soybean, maize, cotton, canola, and alfalfa. The following GMO crops were also planted in different countries in 2018: papaya, eggplant, potato, apple, safflower, pineapple, and sugarcane.
Health Benefits of GMOs | GMO Nutrition - GMO Answers
The study shows that the levels of vitamins and other nutrients in GM and non-GM papayas are the same. While most GMO crops are nutritionally equivalent to their non-GMO counterpart, enhancing a crop’s nutritional value is one of the many uses of genetic engineering. Genetically modified high oleic soybeans with an enhanced oil profile, much ...
Graham Brookes - GMO Answers
Graham Brookes is an agricultural economist with PG Economics Ltd, UK, which specialises in examining the economic and environmental impact of new technology use in agriculture. Graham has authored 15 papers, published in peer reviewed scientific and economic journals on the economic and environmental impact of GM crops around the world. See for …
What's the cost difference in producing GMO vs non-GMO
He highlights several production-oriented advantages of GM crops. Here is an excerpt from his response: “The main reason why biotech (GM) crops have contributed to reducing the cost of food stems from the nature of the technology adopted. The technology adopted to date has largely been productivity-enhancing and cost-reducing technology.
Environmental Benefits of GMOs | GMO Answers
GM crops reduce pesticide applications . GMO crops have contributed to reducing the overall environmental impact of pesticides by 17.3%. 6. How so? Herbicide-tolerant (HT) crops allow farmers to treat fields with pesticides – often glyphosate—instead of tilling, and reduce treatments. Glyphosate is environmentally benign and manages many ...
Top GMO Producing Countries | GMO Statistics - GMO Answers
GM crops are grown around the world by approximately 17 million farmers, most of them in developing countries. In total, more than 70 countries import or grow GMOs, and in 2019, 29 countries (five industrial and 24 developing) planted biotech crops.
Global Economic Benefits of GMOs Reach $150 Billion
GM crops are allowing farmers to grow more without using additional land. If crop biotechnology had not been available to the (18 million) farmers using the technology in 2014, maintaining global production levels at the 2014 levels would have required additional plantings of 7.5 million ha of soybeans, 8.9 million ha of corn, 3.7 million ha of ...
Where are GMOs Banned? | GMO Answers
By mid-2011, 39 GM products were approved for food and feed use in the EU, with 72 approvals pending due to delays in the regulatory process. “Despite the GMO controversy in the EU, it imports 72% (2011) of the protein -rich feed needed to support its livestock industry from Brazil, Argentina and the United States, the vast majority of which ...
The Science Behind GMOs | History of GMOs - GMO Answers
How We Got Here: The Science Behind Genetic Modification in Crops . Farmers have grown commercial GM crops for about 25 years, but genetic modification in crops is much older. Farmers have been intentionally changing the genetic makeup of …
The allergenicity of genetically modified foods from genetically ...
Because proteins are the primary precipitant of many allergic reactions, some members of the public have become concerned that the proteins produced in genetically modified (GM) crops will lead to an increase in allergic reactions in people who consume those crops. Others have made claims that these products have directly caused or contributed ...