GLC – Equipping to multiply small groups of Christ-Committed …
By popular demand, you may now order GLC workbooks and other GLC merchandise online! Simply arrange for pick-up and delivery to your address and you’ll get hold of these well-loved training materials and merchandise.
About GLC – GLC
The Global Leadership Center (GLC) was established in 2008 as an initiative of CCF’s leadership to equip CCF members with the Biblical knowledge, ministry skills and Christ-like attitude needed to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission to “make disciples of all the nations”.
Global Leadership Center
The GLC Online is established so that you can fit the GLC leadership training around your life. It is taking your discipleship journey at your OWN TIME OWN PACE and OWN PLACE -- 24/7. You can now access the GLC training anywhere in the world.
What are the basics of the Christian faith that every seeker (or skeptic) need to know about? Can we really trust in Jesus and believe His teachings? Find out what you need to know to make an informed decision about your faith through our GLC 1!
Workbooks and Booklets - GLC
GLC in DGroups Workbooks and Booklets Downloadable workbooks and booklets are available here for your personal growth and for your small group discipleship needs.
Take GLC 1 – GLC
GLC 1 is open to all and is for those who want to know the basics of the Christian faith. You will be taught the biblical foundation of salvation, about the Holy Spirit, and the Christian life’s basic spiritual disciplines. You are trained here to pray, care, and share the gospel to others, too.
Book 1: One By One (Workbook) – GLC
Take GLC 1 Get to know Jesus, basic spiritual disciplines, and foundations of the Christian faith. Learn More
Book 1: One By One – GLC
Join our Zoom or Online classes, or take GLC in your small groups to get the most out of these lessons and complete your GLC training! Click on one of the GLC formats below to get started: GLC Zoom Class GLC e-Learning GLC in Small Groups
GLC E-Learning – GLC
If your work or lifestyle makes it complicated for you to participate in the GLC training, consider getting equipped online. Learning can be done at your own time, own place, and own pace.
GLC E-Learning NEW GLC in DGroups Discover the beauty of discipleship, God’s awesome plan for families, basic doctrines of the Christian faith, and the secret to a joyful life in spite of adversities and trials.