M43无反相机DC-GH6 - 松下家电-官网
全新 25.2mp 传感器. lumix gh6 配备了m43系统 2520万像素 live mos 传感器。由于没有低通滤镜,它的设计可以得到更多的像素和更高的分辨率,以获得通真的细节。
Panasonic LUMIX GH6 Mirrorless Camera Body Only - DC-GH6BODY
Unlimited Video Recording in 4:2:2 10-bit C4K/4K 60p. The GH6 is the first LUMIX to offer 4:2:2 10-bit C4K/4K 60p unlimited internal recording* thanks to the optimal heat dissipation stucture--ideal for small production teams where mobility and high quality are required, with simultaneous internal recording and external recording via HDMI output.
松下GH6首发评测:5年磨一剑 是大家期待的新视频神机么?_单反 …
在2月22日,松下终于发布新一代旗舰m43相机gh6,此时距离上一代旗舰相机gh5已经有5年时间。 按照松下最初规划,gh6发布时间应该是在2021年,刚好符合旗舰数码相机4年一更新的规律,不过由于零部件短缺诸多原因,gh6不得已跳票到2022年。 新旗舰虽然来迟了,但丝毫不掩盖亮 …
Hybrid Mirrorless Camera 25.2 MP DC-GH6 - Panasonic
Discover all the features of the Hybrid mirrorless camera DC-GH6 with a new 25.2MP Live MOS sensor, 4:2:2 10-bit C4K/4K 60p/50p video, and unlimited recording.
Panasonic Lumix DC-GH6 review: Digital Photography Review
2022年8月4日 · The Panasonic Lumix DC-GH6 is the latest in a line of high-end Micro Four Thirds cameras aimed at video shooters. The GH6 can shoot a vast range of 4K-focused video modes, including slow-motion from 120 fps capture, full-sensor 'open gate'/anamorphic shooting, and capture in industry standard formats such as ProRes 422 and 422HQ.
专注4K创作 松下GH6详细评测_器材_色影无忌 - 无忌器材
2022年3月3日 · 松下2009年推出gh1,与g1最大的区别是采用全新设计的livemos传感器,增加了108024p和72060pavchd视频功能。自此松下gh系列以主打视频功能不断更迭发展,2017年推出的gh5是非常成功的一代产品,为此松下在2018年发布主打弱光画质的gh5s,去年5月25日松下又在发布gh5Ⅱ之后,同时宣布开发“lumixg”系列的旗舰 ...
Panasonic Lumix GH6 Review - Amateur Photographer
2022年4月4日 · With the GH4, Lumix introduced 4K video, one of the first consumer cameras to do so.Along with the GH4, Panasonic introduced the optional DMW-YAGH module that added XLR inputs, full-sized HDMI out and SDI compatibility.
Panasonic GH6 | B&H eXplora
2022年2月22日 · Buy Now | Video | GH6 Features | GH6 vs. GH5 II | Accessories | Live Event. The latest GH flagship in Panasonic’s lineup, the GH6 is the long-awaited update to the video-centric powerhouse mirrorless camera. Renowned for meshing high-spec video capabilities with portability, the GH6 brings with it a new 25MP Micro Four Thirds sensor, 5.7K video at 30 fps, …
第一台主動式散熱的M4/3 ?! Panasonic Lumix GH6 規格解析
2022年2月22日 · 號 稱M4/3之王,GH系列第六代GH6終於來了…. 自初次亮相到正式發表,也過了半年多,Panasonic 原定在2021就發表,但中間因調校各項參數花費了較長的時間。
Features and Specifications - LUMIX G-Series - DC-GH6
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