About Us-Investment Structure - GAC Group
GAC Group's investment structure covers seven major sectors: research and development, vehicle, parts, energy and ecology, internationalization, commerce and transportation, investment and finance.
GAC Group - GAC Group
4 天之前 · e-TIME action is the action plan formulated by GAC group to implement the medium long term development strategy of GAC group under the guidance of adhering to one center, two unswervingly promoting the realization of three transformations four transformation ideas.
500 Days Countdown to the 15th National Games, GAC …
In addition, GAC Group greatly supports the exchanges and cooperation in sports and culture between the two countries. With the approaching of the 15th Games, 12th NGD and 9th NSOG, GAC Group will leverage its strengths as an automaker to support the sports events.
GAC Group Ranked in Fortune Global 500 for the 12th …
On August 5 (BJT), the 2024 Fortune Global 500 List was officially released. GAC Group has been on the list for the 12th consecutive years, with the latest ranking of 181st, maintaining a position in the top 200. The year 2023 marks a milestone in the history of GAC Group.
About Us-GAC Pavilion - GAC Group
GAC Pavilion Learning from history to inform the future 广汽馆由广汽集团于2017年精心打造并对外开放,于2024年9月9日升级焕新开馆,集历史纵览、品牌展示、信息交流、科普娱乐四大功能于一身,是传播汽车文化、沟通汽车信息、体验汽车科技、享受汽车乐趣、体现汽车新 ...
GAC Hit 74.04 billion RMB in Consolidated Revenue in the First …
The report indicated that GAC's aggregated revenue for the first three quarters was RMB 74.04 billion. The aggregated revenue for the third quarter alone was RMB 28.232 billion, reflecting a 15.41% increase compared to the previous quarter.
News Center - GAC Group
2024年12月12日 · GAC Group Announced New Energy Commercial Vehicle Strategy Targeting 30 Billion RMB Revenue by 2030
2024年全国“两会” - GAC Group
广州汽车集团股份有限公司(简称广汽集团)成立于2005年6月28日,前身为成立于1997年6月的广州汽车集团有限公司,总部位于广州市,是国内首家实现a+h股整体上市的大型国有控股股份制汽车集团。 “匠于心 品于行”,广汽集团将始终坚持“人为本、信为道、创为先”的企业理念,努力成为 …
GAC Group’s net profit in the first quarter stood at nearly 2.4 …
GAC Group (601238.SH, 02238.HK) released its 2021 first quarter report on April 29. According to its financial report, during the reporting period, GAC Group’s combined business revenue stood at about 16.024 billion yuan
GAC Group Joins Forces with Partners to Strengthen Motorcycle …
After obtaining approval from authorities, GAC and SSC will invest in Honda Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd, once wholly owned by HMCI, with GAC owning 24.5% equity, and HMCI and SSC owning 51% and 24.5%, respectively.