GAC Gove - Electrek
2024年12月19日 · Chinese auto conglomerate GAC Group is delving further into sustainable air transportation with a new eVTOL-centric business venture called Govy. The company unveiled its flagship aircraft, the...
科技思变,广汽飞行汽车等黑科技于科技日首发! - GAC
广汽研究院院长吴坚发布广汽飞行汽车gove 以场景化思维进行技术布局,广汽拆解出地面行驶、空中飞行和空地对接三大场景。 在地面场景中,广汽搭载ADiGO PILOT自动驾驶系统,使底盘成为全自动的移动起降站点,飞行汽车既能即飞即降,也能全向移动,并具有 ...
领航低空赛道!广汽复合翼飞行汽车GOVY AirJet正式发布
GOVY AirJet是广汽通过创新科技及前瞻视野所打造出的更完善的飞行汽车产品,是未来高域立体交通生态的重要基石,让飞行更放心、更安心、更省心。 放心,源于GOVY AirJet高效可靠的物理构型。 GOVY AirJet采用8轴8桨与双涵道的复合翼构型,配合多重冗余设计的电源和控制系统,确保在某一核心部件发生故障时,飞行汽车仍能平稳可控,让飞行旅途更安全。 轻量化设计是飞行安全的基石,GOVY AirJet整机结构超过90%使用碳纤维复合材料,并采用了大飞机级的复杂生 …
GAC unveils car, eVTOL combo that has completed a maiden flight …
2023年6月26日 · During its Tech Day event in China, GAC Group has unveiled its latest all-electric integrated mobility solution – an eVTOL called Gove. This unique design consists of two separate vehicles that...
GAC GOVE: China's Futuristic Flying Car Takes Off — Captain Electro
2024年11月21日 · The GAC GOVE eVTOL flying car has completed its first flight demonstration. Learn more about its specs, features, and potential impact on the future of transportation.
专访广汽研究院苏庆鹏:飞行汽车在立体出行 ... - GAC
2023年7月13日 · 广汽研发团队开创性地设计了gove陆空功能解耦分体式构型,将飞行器和汽车的最优技术进行了结合。 飞行舱和共享底盘可以自由配对、随时补能,让共享底盘既是智能起降点又是移动充电站,在动态一体中实现地面行驶、空中飞行、空地对接三大场景的最优利用。
GAC's GOVE flying car completed flight demo, company said
2024年11月14日 · GOVE is a pure electric vertical take-off and landing flying car (eVTOL), adopting a decoupling split configuration in which the flight cabin and chassis can be separated or combined to realize three scenarios: ground driving, air flight, and air-ground docking.
Chinese GAC Group Unveils Jetsons-like Gove eVTOL That
2023年7月3日 · The Gove, which stands for “GAC, On the Go, Vertical, and EV,” was unveiled during the group's Tech Day event in China and features a dual-backup multi-rotor flight system for the VTOL flying...
广汽研究院 - gacrnd.com
GOVE, a cutting-edge flying electric car, unveiled on July 25, 2023 marking a new era in sustainable and versatile transportation. Its unique detachable body structure allows for smooth transition between air and road travel. Equipped with the ADiGO-Pilot autonomous system, it supports automated take-offs and landings,
Watch GOVE Flying EV: Unique Drive It or Fly It Detachable Design ...
2023年7月9日 · A different kind of flying car by GAC called GOVE that separates the flying part from the driving base was recently flown. Here's what it is.