G711a or G711u - VoIP - Whirlpool Forums
Jul 1, 2006 · what is the difference between G711a and G711u ? In the traditional digital voice world there are two main methods of encoding analogue voice onto an 8khz/8bit (ie. 64kbps) …
INFO: Codecs : G711 vs G729 vs iLBC - VoIP - Whirlpool Forums
Mar 31, 2010 · G711a and G711u are comparable in call quality, one main difference is that G711u is used mainly in USA and a few other countries. In Europe and Australia, G711a is …
VOIP call quality - the right codec - VoIP - Whirlpool Forums
May 28, 2006 · I use G711a via a $40 Panasonic DECT cordless handset and have had no call quality issues, but I've never actually tried it with a non-cordless phone either. Maybe I'm …
G711u vs G729a - PennyTel - Whirlpool Forums
Jan 31, 2008 · G711U is for use in North America, G711a is used elsewhere. Yes. From what I've read G.711u is in use in North America and Japan while G.711a is used in Europe and the rest …
G711a or G711u instead of G729 Codec - Internode - Whirlpool …
Sep 14, 2006 · G711a is prefered as it doesn't require transcoding when it hits the traditional PSTN in Australia. ("U" is the companding method used in the US/Japan, the rest of the world …
G711/A less problems than G729? - PennyTel - Whirlpool Forums
May 13, 2008 · I've been getting one-way audio problems with Pennytel for the last couple of days. I remember reading in the past that by changing the codec to G711a, it usually resolves …
Which G711 codec to use ? - VoIP - Whirlpool Forums
Jan 29, 2005 · Hi lochness, The most common of the two g711 protocols is ULaw (g711u) and it what we setup when a user requests the g711 codec to be activated on their account.
VoIP apps supporting the Opus codec - VoIP - Whirlpool Forums
Jun 14, 2014 · G711a G711u G722-WB G729a GSM iLBC OPUS SILK-NB SILK-SWB SILK-WB. CSipSimple AMR 8 kHz AMR-WB 16 kHz ...
on 711 codec - do we use u-law or a-law? - VoIP - Whirlpool Forums
Nov 27, 2006 · there is an interesting discussion here about G711a and u - and it suggests under some circumstances there ...
g729 - g711 (u/a) what is better ? - Koala - Telephony - Whirlpool …
Jun 22, 2006 · g711 basically sends all data without compression - very high quality. It requires a relatively high bandwidth and a good service provider. Because there is no compression, there …