G16- secondary spacer / spring - Buggies Gone Wild
Mar 7, 2014 · Hi, I have read several posts but am still a little fuzzy in the brain :( I just recently got this G16 for a great price but it has been rode hard and put up wet especially under the hood- The guy I bought from had a brand new Yam Primary clutch that he had never installed, but upon further inspect the secondary is shot- I made the mistake of ordering new Yam parts from B.Nt …
Yamaha G16 rattle noise and slow - Buggies Gone Wild
Re: Yamaha G16 rattle noise and slow If the engine is getting up to max rpm's the lower top speed could be the primary or secondary clutch or a combination of both. The primary is actuated by centrifugal force (engine RPM's) while the secondary is actuated by torque.
Yamaha G16 gas battery - Buggies Gone Wild
Apr 7, 2016 · Re: Yamaha G16 gas battery High CCA only specifies a high end limit, has no effect on the lower amp draw devices used. The amp draw of the installed devices (lights , starter & such) is generally determined by the voltage applied if the demands on the device stay the same (a big block will put more load on a starter than a small block, ect).
Secondary clutch adjustment - Buggies Gone Wild
Sep 7, 2015 · G16 with Vanguard motor, stock Yamaha spring. I loaded the spring on B-3. I'm just wondering how everyone else may have their clutch set and response from it. I seem to have pretty good results but feel I'm missing out on more low end.
G16 Motor Bolt Torque - Buggies Gone Wild
Oct 20, 2009 · I am rebuilding my g16 motor & i don't know the bolt torque for the connecting rod,head etc. I also don't know the valve clearance adjustment. Any help will be much appreciated.--thanks EDDIE
G16 Clutch Removal Help - Buggies Gone Wild
Dec 10, 2009 · Re: G16 Clutch Removal Help Yamaha has a "spider/rollor kit", you'll need to reuse the pins and the plastic sliders that attatch to the ends of the pins. You can also check site sponsors for just the rollors, but make shure there metal,not the plastic type.
Replacing g16 ignition coil how to? - Buggies Gone Wild
Dec 6, 2009 · Re: Replacing g16 ignition coil how to? first disconect the battery you will need to loosen the 4 motor mounts & swing the engine sideway to access the 2 last bolts , then remove the plastic cover then flywheel with a steering wheel puller …
G16 predator 420cc swap questions - Buggies Gone Wild
Jun 13, 2016 · I have a G16 cart, and the engine threw a rod and snapped the cam I'm half. For the cost to repair the engine myself I could just buy a $300 predator engine. So I am going this route. I picked up the new eine yesterday at a hf tent sale. I know have to make my own motor mount and fab up a bracket for the starter generator. I can do that.
Yamaha G16 Gas Cart- No Crank, No Start, No Solenoid Click
Jun 25, 2021 · I have a Yamaha G16 gas cart no crank no start, no click at solenoid: 1. Battery is fully charged 12.8 volts. 2. Power from pedal switch getting to solenoid 3. 10A fuse good 4. Solenoid good (Able to jump solenoid by arching 2 big posts, also jumping 2 small posts from battery cranks over fine. 5. Press pedal and still no crank, no start, no click.
g16 governor adjustment/speed spring - Buggies Gone Wild
Jul 27, 2009 · Re: g16 governor adjustment/speed spring ?? Bigfoot as I stated do not turn back all the way and luvthemud also said Don't thread 10mm all the way back, you will compact spring all the way and also put more tension on throttle cable.