FLARQ Users Manual: FLARQ Users Manual - Version 4.3 - W1HKJ
FLARQ is a client program and FLDIGI is a server program. FLARQ will not execute unless either FLDIGI (preferred) or MultiPsk is already running on the host computer. If MultiPsk is used it …
W1HKJ Software
Jan 25, 2025 · Software By W1HKJ & Associates: 25 January 2025: This site has moved to: https://www.w1hkj.org. Support fldigi
flarqhelp-main - W1HKJ
It is capable of transmitting and receiving frames of ARQ data via either vbdigi on Window, or fldigi on Linux. The interaction between flarq and vbdigi/fldigi requires no operator intervention. …
FLARQ has a built-in email composer that creates files with a minimum of email overhead. It is a text only composer with no attachment or other niceties associated with a normal email client.
Fldigi Users Manual: Installing Fldigi on Windows - W1HKJ
Installing fldigi on windows is very simple. Simply execute the installer program and both fldigi and flarq will be installed in the default programs directory structure for the specific Microsoft …
Fldigi Users Manual: Installing fldigi on a thumb drive - W1HKJ
Copy the executable for flarq, flrig, flmsg, flamp, etc to that same folder if you want to have a complete NBEMS installation on that device: fldigi.exe flarq.exe
Fldigi Users Manual: Operating Multiple Copies - W1HKJ
Apr 2, 2000 · If each instance will be paired with a separate flarq (similarly set up for multiple operation) then you will also need to add the command line switch for arq-server address and …
Fldigi Users Manual: Miscellaneous Configuration - W1HKJ
Apr 2, 2000 · The NBEMS suite of programs, fldigi, flarq, flwrap and flmsg provide the emergency operator with a set of tools to assist in the transfer of data files over HF and VHF …
flarq - це клієнтська програма, а fldigi - серверна програма. FLARQ не буде виконуватися, якщо на головному комп'ютері ще не запущено FLDIGI (бажано) або MultiPsk.
Fldigi Users Manual: Configure ARQ/KISS I/O - W1HKJ
ARQ is selected when the user requires the use of the FLDIGI suite of programs (FLARQ, FLMSG, FLAMP, etc). The KISS interface is used to tranfers 8 bit binary data over wireless …