Which Red Knob Fender Amps Are Desirable - Telecaster Guitar …
2012年5月21日 · I came to Fender from Music Man, and all of the amp designs from 85 onward were unique from Paul’s designs that were produced prior to that time. Paul actually worked in Fender marketing, and spent much of his time specifying the product designs, while other design engineers in Fender R&D performed the actual product development work.
NAD: Fender Tonemaster Bassman - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2024年10月29日 · So here are the IR profiles from the Fender support: IR PROFILE 1: Dynamic microphone close-mic’ed for pronounced attack and definition. IR created using a Shure® SM57 microphone. IR PROFILE 2: Dynamic microphone close-mic’ed for increased bass response and smoother midrange. IR created using a Sennheiser® MD 421 microphone.
Are there Fender amps still made in USA? - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2020年11月24日 · - The Hand Wired Series (includes 64 Deluxe and Princeton Reverb amps and the three "57 Custom" Tweed amps) - The American Vintage series (includes the 65 PR,DR,SR, and TR Reissues +59 Bassman LTD)
what's the problem with fender's ultra-linear amps?
2008年4月24日 · Ultralinear mode is a really neat thing if you're after high-fidelity, clean tones. Fender (both the man and the company) were striving for more and more usable headroom, and UL was the next logical step. Wouldn't hurt to see how good of a deal you can get on the amp. You can always rewire it to leave the UL taps unused.
Rivera a good alternative to Fender amps? - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2012年2月16日 · To me, the allure of Fender amps is the Fender amp tone. There are plenty of great sounding amps, and probably a lot of amps that are built better than modern Fender. However, Fender amps still have a certain tone. I like the Peavey suggest though. Very nice american made amps.
Fender Export amplifiers - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2017年4月24日 · A post in the Twin Reverb thread got me interested in investigating the Fender amplifiers made for use outside North America. I was surprised when I checked online and discovered they actually had a voltage selector switch on the back of the chassis and distinct Export faceplates.
New Fender amps: Made in USA or Mexico? - Telecaster Guitar …
2004年3月11日 · Hello, I recently noticed, that some Fender amplifiers are "Made in Mexico" Are all models beside custom shop amps made in Mexico? What about the vintage series (DRRI)? Just curious. Klaus
Marshall Vs. Fender? - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2008年11月14日 · Fender once used an advertising slogan which went something like "deep in the heart of every guitar amp is a Fender," and its still pretty much true. The above is a highly compressed and and massively oversimplified version of what happened, but its sort of how it went! Fender = clean and mean, - Marshall, = big and ballsy.
Cathode Biased.. Which Fender amps, Old and New?
2010年11月9日 · filmix2,big answer..... All Champs are single ended, cathode-biased. The Tweed PRinceton is single-ended and cathode biased as well.
Need advice: 1 guitar into 2 Fender amps - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2024年12月28日 · Thank you, and I’m running stereo, to be able to get ping-pong delay left or right in the two amplifiers. I like that solution of yours though if I was running mono Dec 28, 2024