FBX previews in Windows 10: By far the coolest feature... - polycount
quite nice at first time, but honestly do not use that win 10 preview , the processes behind the feature will hang on and will drive your cpu to run at 99% just because a file can't to get read, …
How does one get an .fbx's textures to appear in Microsoft 3D …
Hey! Just curious, how do people get their .fbx files to display with texture in Microsoft 3D Viewer? I've downloaded a couple of .fbx files (and these are .fbx files, not .glb or .gltf files) from …
Maya fbx export is not exporting blendshape animation.
2023年3月22日 · When I export the file, the blend shape animation is not playing. (Tried .fbx viewer and importing the .fbx file into a new scene in Maya.) I baked the animation and cleared …
[3ds max] How do I export an .fbx without it triangulating?
An update to this: Thank you so much for all your responses. After countless trials and errors, these are the export settings that work for me. I'm exporting an Editable Poly as .fbx 2020 with …
Pbr to a lambert or something that can export as fbx?
The problem is that Blinn and Lambert both use the specular model in Maya. To be able to use a metallic/roughness map with the specular model you'd need extra material nodes to translate …
Importing textures automatically to Marmoset for environments
Toolbag will import all the textures that in finds in the FBX material. The problem here is that in general, the 3D app that you're exporting from doesn't support (or the FBX format doesn't …
Maya collada animation export - polycount
I'm trying to get Maya to export an animation (via the FBX_DAE export plugin), but when I re-import the DAE file back into maya, none of the animation is preserved. I also tried exporting …
Blender Fbx error — polycount
Also if you don't have any animation, I would uncheck the option "bake animation" Hope it helps
Lightwave FBX import problem — polycount
When I view it in FBX viewer or import it into maya there is not problem at all. But when I import it into Lightwave the bones ends up being all out off place and no mesh is being imported. I …
Marmoset viewer issue when importing mesh with animations
So basically I'm exporting an FBX with animations, from maya 2018. But when I import my FBX in Toolbag, it's displaying weird artifacts and I really have no idea where they're coming from …