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FBX Forum - Watermark is shown by mistake
I want a clarification about this. I heard that fbx is a free recording software. should I pay money to remove that or what? I saw some videos on the youtube that were recorded with fbx recorder,but those footages does'nt show that overlay or watermark. help me.Here is the picture. you can see the watermark on the video at the top.
FBX not opening or taking a long time
@Lord-Aymor Can you make sure you're running FBX v2.7 - the "Powering up reactors" problem some users saw was fixed in that release. If this doesn't help, can you again: In Windows Explorer, go to c:\ProgramData\Blueberry Software\FBX Game Recorder; Find the most recent "Session_" folder, right click it and select "Send To -> Compressed folder"
FBX Forum - Recorder wont open.
@maruvik What I did was to install Visual C++ 2017 which seemed to open the program. Either look it up and install the 64-bit version (I'm assuming you have a 64-bit system if you don't get the 32-bit one) or you can right-click the shortcut your desktop, click on "Open File Location" and the installer is called "vcredist_x64" and "vcredist_32", respectively, install Visual C++ and tell me …
FBX Forum - Stuck on Login
FBX needs to do this when it starts - check your internet connection." I've tried logging in using both Google and my email address, and I am definitely connected to the internet. Reply Quote
FBX Forum - Overlays not working on FiveM
There are multiple overlays appearing when you press F1-F10. However with FBX running I cannot open any of these overlays. However steams overlay works. Truthfully its not a problem until exactly when the FBX symbol pops up in the corner of your screen.
FBX Forum - Announcements
And FBX is now officially whitelisted for any game that uses Battleye to block cheaters! It seems that the update is already live as we've tested with a bunch of games this morning and they all recorded except for Planetside 2 and H1Z1.
FBX Forum - Recorder wont open.
@FBX-Recorder My Recorder won't open either, Whenever I run it it says "Allow to make changes to your device?" I hit yes, It closes and doesn't open, I also tried hitting no, didn't work either, Wondering if you knew how to fix
FBX Forum - No overlay on fortnite
Epic added support for Battleye anti-cheat in a recent update to Fortnite and that is currently blocking FBX from recording. We've been in touch with them recently to go through the process of getting FBX added to their whitelist of applications that won't be blocked because this is preventing a number of games from being recorded.
FBX Forum - Removing Overlay
In the FBX installation folder (c:\program files\Blueberry Software\FBX Game Recorder by default), there is a file IgnoreProcessesList.txt. This contains a list of processes that would normally display the FBX overlay, but most users don't want recorded, and so are 'ignored' and the overlay suppressed.