The Fashion Studies Journal
The Fashion Studies Journal: Find fashion criticism, fashion history and theory, conferences, calls for papers, fashion exhibitions, and the latest goings on in the global field of fashion studies.
Issue No. 9 — The Fashion Studies Journal
The founders of Fashion Forward, a new fashion think tank, share their vision for how digital fashion — garments that live in the digital rather than physical world — could play a role in …
Jobs & Calls for Papers — The Fashion Studies Journal
Fashion Studies is in search of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary written and creative research that analyzes and offers original contributions to the field of fashion studies. Our journal is …
Create Healing: A Fashion Therapy System - The Fashion Studies …
Jul 6, 2021 · Create Healing is a fashion therapy service that treats garment-making as a self-reflexive experience that allows for individuals to use the process of making clothing as a …
Notes — The Fashion Studies Journal
Our work is not a rejection of fashion or the fashion industry per se, but an effort toward knowing fashion as more than just a commodity and ultimately contributing to a more equitable and …
Issue No. 6 — The Fashion Studies Journal
COVID-19 has created a crater in the fashion industry. Globally, early-career and established designers alike are proposing new business models and reshaping what the fashion industry is …
Reviews — The Fashion Studies Journal
Ludovica Mucci reviews Eugenia Paulichelli’s Writing Fashion in Early Modern Italy: From Sprezzatura to Satire. The text is one of the first comprehensive studies of sixteenth and …
Issue No. 2 — The Fashion Studies Journal
Fashion Studies Journal Notes From the Field is a recurring column written from behind the scenes by fashion and fashion studies professionals across all disciplines. We highlight …
Profiles — The Fashion Studies Journal
As part of an effort to contextualize and conceptualize the field that is Fashion Studies, we will be interviewing notable figures in the discipline and sharing their insights in an ongoing series.
Longform - The Fashion Studies Journal
It takes a village to raise a fashion brand — a fact that often goes overlooked within the fashion studies literature. In response, Erique Zhang questions what collective action might look like if …