F-117A攻击机 - 百度百科
F-117A攻击机(英文:F-117A Attack aircraft,代号:Nighthawk,译文:夜鹰,惯称:F-117),是美国一型单座双发飞翼亚音速喷气式多功能隐身攻击机,是世界上第一型完全以隐形技术设计的飞机。
F-117夜鷹攻擊機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F-117“夜鹰” (英語: F-117 Nighthawk)是 美国空军 的一种 隐身 攻击机 [1],也是世界上第一款完全以 隐形技术 设计的 飞机。 F-117由 洛克希德 公司设计生产,它的原型技术直接来源于 擁藍(Have Blue)计划。 F-117在1989年 美國入侵巴拿馬 時第一次投入實戰。 在這次戰役中,兩架F-117對巴拿馬軍方的Río Hato基地發動突襲。 然而,由於通信失誤,與計劃臨時被更動之原因,本次作戰並不十分成功。 F-117在1991年 波斯灣战争 时發揮了極大的作用。 在大約1,300 …
Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk - Wikipedia
The Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk is a retired American single-seat, subsonic, twin-engined, stealth attack aircraft developed by Lockheed 's secretive Skunk Works division and operated by the United States Air Force (USAF). It was the first operational …
F-117 Nighthawk - Lockheed Martin
Discover the F-117 Nighthawk, the world's first operational stealth aircraft, revolutionizing aerial warfare with its innovative capabilities and iconic design.
夜鹰传说--美国F-117隐身攻击机史话 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
“臭鼬工厂”研制的三种代表机型:f-117a,u-2和sr-71高空侦察机 海弗蓝项目的目的,主要是验证飞机隐身理论的可行性和对飞机气动外形的测试评估。 因此,臭鼬工厂制造了2架体积稍小的原型机。
Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk - National Museum of the USAF
The Lockheed F-117A was developed in response to an Air Force request for an aircraft capable of attacking high value targets without being detected by enemy radar. By the 1970s, new materials and techniques allowed engineers to design an …
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter - Airforce Technology
Jul 20, 2020 · The F-117A aircraft is also known as the Frisbee and the Wobblin’ Goblin. The mission of the aircraft is to penetrate dense threat environments and attack high-value targets with high accuracy. Nighthawk has been in operational service in Panama, during Operation Desert Storm, in Kosovo, in Afghanistan and during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
•The first F-117A unit, the 4450th Tactical Group (renamed the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing in October 1989), achieves initial operational capability. (October 1983) •The F-117 is used in combat for the first time in Operation Just Cause when F-117s from the 37th TFW attack military targets in Panama. (December 1989)
F-117A攻擊機(F-117夜鷹戰鬥機):發展沿革,研製背景,建造沿革,服役 …
F-117A攻擊機(英文:F-117A Attack aircraft,代號:Nighthawk,譯文:夜鷹,慣稱:F-117),是美國一型單座雙發飛翼亞音速噴氣式多功能隱身攻擊機,是世界上第一型完全以隱形技術設計的飛機。
F-117 隐形战斗机 (夜鹰 Nighthawk) - 爱空军 iAirForce
f-117a有一套整合精密导引和攻击系统的数位化飞航控制装置。 为了降低电磁波的发散和雷达截面积,夜鹰没有配备雷达。 导航系统主要由全球卫星定位系统(GPS)和高精确性的惯性导航装置组成。
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