Rollins School of Public Health
The top-ranked Rollins School of Public Health is a leading institution in public health research, graduate education, and practice. Ranked No. 3 in the United States.
About Us - Rollins School of Public Health
The Rollins School of Public Health offers dual-degree programs with Emory's business, medical, nursing, and law schools. In addition to these programs, the schools of public health and medicine collaborate on many levels.
Admissions - Rollins School of Public Health
The Rollins experience takes students beyond the classroom from day one. Our students gain public health career experience working within local, national and international communities. Join the robust Emory network in the public health capital, Atlanta and gain access to 10,000+ alumni worldwide who offer mentorship that aids in career development.
Rollins School of Public Health | Directions and Maps
The Rollins School of Public Health is located at 1518 Clifton Road on Emory University's main campus next to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and across the street from Emory Clinic.
Research - Rollins School of Public Health
The Office of Research at the Rollins School of Public Health facilitates faculty research, helps identify funding opportunities, enhances the quality of applications for extramural research support, stimulates inter-departmental research, and provides resources and support for faculty research programs.
Rollins Facts and Numbers - Rollins School of Public Health
Over 1,400 Rollins alumni work at the CDC 4 00+ p ublic health experiences in real-world settings gained through part-time employment as a part of the Rollins Earn and Learn (REAL) program every year
Rollins School of Public Health | BEHAVIORAL, SOCIAL, AND …
Students in the Rollins School of Public Health's Department of Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences study behaviors and social conditions that influence health.
Technology Support for Learners - Rollins School of Public Health
Technology training and seminars for learners are offered through Emory Libraries. Writing, research, and bibliography software is available through the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library. Information on Emory's free versions of Microsoft Office 365 and Zoom.
Doctor of Public Health Program - Rollins School of Public Health
Our strong, global network of Rollins alumni work in a variety of sectors, from government, to industry, and everything in between. The DrPH program uniquely positions participants to: Shape public health policies.
Rollins School of Public Health | Visit Rollins
Campus tours are a prime opportunity to see what life is like within the walls of the Rollins School of Public Health! Tours are available select Friday's each semester so be sure to check listings for a date that works best for you when registration opens again in the spring term.