K3S Transceiver - Elecraft
Jun 1, 2024 · Elecraft’s state-of-the-art K3S transceiver offers a unique combination of ultra-high performance and affordability. The factory-assembled K3S is comparable in both features and performance to transceivers listing at up to six times its price.
Reviews For: Elecraft K3 - eHam.net
ELECRAFT K3 Transceiver High Performance • 160-6 Meters • 100 W Dual 32bit DSP, "switched mode mixer" Factory Assembled or No-Soldering Kit 160-6 meter ham-band coverage; optional general-coverage filters • High-contrast, full-custom LCD with with alphanumeric text display • 100-W or 10-W (upgradeable) models • 32-bit I.F. DSP
Elecraft - K3 / 100 - RigPix Database
Elecraft K3 / 100 SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver: Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m RX: 0.49-30 / 44-54 MHz (2 m option) ... Same as the K3/10 but with the 100 W amplifier unit included: Related documents: User manual Rev.D10 (4 MB) Manual errata Rev.D10-8 (119 KB) Modifications and fixes:
K3S Transceivers - Elecraft
If purchasing a new transceiver, amplifier, tuner or panadapter, we recommend purchasing these items from the product pages where you'll find valuable information on configuring your new purchase. You can order parts under the Parts & Mod Kits section below.
The K3 excels wherever the action is — demanding Field Day sites, remote DXpedition outposts, high-power contest operations — or the comfort of your own home station.
Reviews For: Elecraft K3s - eHam.net
Elecraft’s state-of-the-art K3S transceiver offers a unique combination of ultra-high performance and affordability. Both 100-watt and 10-watt (upgradeable) models are available. No-soldering kit; also available fully assembled and tested, the K3S is comparable in both features and performance to transceivers listing at up to six times its price.
Elecraft K3, Desktop HF/VHF Transceiver | RigReference.com
With an Elecraft K144XV internal 2 meter module installed, your K3 will make another leap forward in versatility. The K144XV covers the full 144-148 MHz U.S. allocation, so you can do weak-signal CW/SSB work as well as access 2-m repeaters in your area.
Elecraft highlights the K3’s outstanding dynamic range, citing a third-order intermodulation distortion dynamic range of greater than 100 dB at 5 kHz spacing and in the low to mid-90s at 2 kHz spacing. That’s comparable with anything else in the field. Elecraft reports it’s also measured best-of-breed blocking dynamic range of
Elecraft-K3@groups.io | The K3 and K3-S 100-watt Amplifier, …
May 18, 2019 · It’d be good to see how others have handled repairs, or mods, to the K3’s (and K3s’) 100-watt amplifier, the venerable KPA3 and its various renditions, early Elecraft Part Number E850273. And in particular : ~~ Changes to, or replacement of, the two ‘final’ amplifier transistors. ~~ Mods or replacement of any other parts on the KPA3 main board.
ELECRAFT K3 OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download ELECRAFT K3 owner's manual online. HIGH-PERFORMANCE 160 – 6 METER TRANSCEIVER. K3 transceiver pdf manual download.