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3 days ago · The Open edX platform provides the learner-centric, massively scalable learning technology behind it. Originally envisioned for MOOCs, Open edX platform has evolved into one of the leading learning solutions catering to Higher …
Open edX Ginkgo Release — Latest documentation
The Open edX Ginkgo release contains several new features for learners, course teams, and developers. For more information, see Open edX Ginkgo Release Notes. What Is the Ginkgo Git Tag? # A git tag identifies the version of Open edX code that is the Ginkgo release.
Open edX Cypress Release — Latest documentation
You use this tag to identify the version of Open edX code that is the Cypress release. The following Open edX Git repositories have the Git tag named-release/cypress . edx-platform
Open edX Olive Release — Latest documentation
The Open edX Olive release contains several new features for learners, course teams, and developers. For more information, see the Open edX Platform Release Notes. What Is the Olive Git Tag? # A git tag identifies the version of Open edX code that is the Olive release. Over fourty repositories are tagged as part of an Open edX release.
Open edX Ironwood Release — Latest documentation
The Open edX Ironwood release contains several new features for learners, course teams, and developers. For more information, see the Open edX Release Notes. What Is the Ironwood Git Tag? # A git tag identifies the version of Open edX code that is the Ironwood release. About two dozen repositories are tagged as part of an Open edX release.
Open edX Ficus Release — Latest documentation
The Open edX Ficus release contains several new features for learners, course teams, and developers. For more information, see Ficus release notes. What Is the Ficus Git Tag? # A git tag identifies the version of Open edX code that is the Ficus release.
Add a Poll in Open edX Studio — Latest documentation
Configure answers for the poll. In each Answer field, enter the answer text that learners see.. You must enter either text or an image path, or both, for each answer. To enter an image, use the Studio URL for the image.. If you use an image, you must enter useful alternative text in the Image alternate text field for non-sighted users. To add answers, select Add answer at the …
The Platform - Open edX
Built to showcase the latest in learning sciences and instructional design, the Open edX learner platform is driven by our community of developers, technology providers, research teams, and users.
Self Managed - Open edX
Some of the Open edX distributions are source code only and others provide access to source code as well as a ready to deploy image (binary distribution). If provided, binary distributions are a great way to get started.
Open edX Learner’s Guide — Latest documentation
Contributing to the Open edX Project. Process for Contributing Code; Contributing; Landing Your Work; Code Considerations; Overview of Review Process for Community Contributions; Pull Request Status Guide; Core Contributors to the Open edX Project; Extending the edX Platform. Options for Extending the Open edX Platform; Integrating XBlocks with ...