Regulation of MSV and WDV virion-sense promoters by WDV …
Feb 15, 2003 · The WDV promoter contains two sites that fit the consensus E2F-binding site. One, WDV1, binds human E2F-1 in one-hybrid assays in yeast. It also binds specifically to maize and wheat proteins in vitro and, when fused to a minimal 35S promoter, it confers responsiveness to RepA only when the RepA RB-binding domain and the WDV1 site are intact.
Wheat dwarf virus (WDV) has caused considerable economic loss in the global production of grain crops. Knowledge of the evolutionary biology and population history of the pathogen remain poorly understood.
Regulation of MSV and WDV virion-sense promoters by WDV ... - PubMed
Feb 15, 2003 · In this work we demonstrate that wheat dwarf virus (WDV) RepA can activate WDV and maize streak virus (MSV) virion (V)-sense expression in plant tissues. Rep alone does not have any effect on the silent WDV promoter and it represses the basal MSV promoter activity.
癌症中的E2F转录因子家族 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶 (CDK)-RB-E2F 调控轴组成了驱动细胞周期进程、决定基因组复制的时间和准确性、并确保遗传物质准确传递的核心转录机制。 该调控轴的最终效应子是编码转录激活因子和抑制因子的8个不同 E2F 基因家族的成员(E2F1-8)。 E2F 转录活性在整个细胞周期中通过转录和翻译调控、翻译后修饰、蛋白质降解、与辅因子的结合和亚细胞定位等过程受到严格调控。 该调控轴的一个或多个关键成分 (CDKs, cyclins, CDK inhibitors and the RB family of proteins) …
细胞周期调控 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在e2f的靶点中有两个e型细胞周期蛋白(e1和e2,统称为细胞周期蛋白e),它们结合并激活cdk2。 Cyclin E-CDK2负责完成RB1的磷酸化,通过释放更多的E2F,促进细胞进入S期所需的蛋白质的合成。
WDV promoter contains two sites that fit the consensus E2F-binding site. One, WDV1, binds human E2F-1 in one-hybrid assays in yeast. It also binds specifically to maize and wheat proteins in vitro and, when fused to a minimal 35S promoter, it confers responsiveness to RepA
E2f1, E2f2, and E2f3 Control E2F Target Expression and Cellular ...
Using a conditional gene-targeting approach, we show that the targeted disruption of the entire E2F activator subclass composed of E2f1, E2f2, and E2f3 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts leads to the activation of p53 and the induction of p53 target genes, including p21CIP1.
Regulation of MSV and WDV virion-sense promoters by WDV
Mar 1, 2003 · Two potential E2F binding sites have been detected in the promoter regions of WDV LIR. Interaction between one of the sites and human E2F was shown by yeast onehybrid tests ( Muñoz-Martín et...
Molecular Plant | ChIP-seq+RNA-seq解析E2F转录因子在植物复制 …
通过串联染色质亲和纯化(TChAP)或染色质免疫共沉淀测序(ChIP-seq)实验确定的E2FA、E2FB和SOG1的靶基因时,作者发现,与偶然预期相比,两个E2F转录因子中的 至少一个也靶向了更多的SOG1靶基因 (图1A)。 其中, WEE1 基因编码一种参与复制胁迫反应的细胞周期抑制激酶。 有趣的是,在 sog1 突变体中,在羟基尿素(HU)诱导的复制胁迫反应中观察到 WEE1 启动子的残余激活,并且在其启动子中发现E2F结合位点,这证实了 E2FA/B可能参与复制胁迫反 …
RBR3, a member of the retinoblastoma-related family from maize ... - PNAS
Sep 1, 2005 · Retinoblastoma-related (RBR) proteins regulate cell division in higher eukaryotes by controlling the adenovirus E2 promoter binding factor (E2F)/dimerization partner (DP) family of transcription factors that regulate expression of many genes involved in cell-cycle progression.