Opinions on the Dynaco 400 series solid-state amps (410, 416, etc)
2020年2月7日 · I'm possibly in the market for a good bang-for-your-buck vintage solid-state power amp. I like my current Jolida 1000p, but the tubes I like are very expensive, and they don't last …
Dynaco guidance - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2020年9月25日 · Dynaco SS gear is not generally all that well thought of. At least this is true with the Pat 4 and Pat 5 preamps. Most mods of these preamps usually completely gut the chassis …
Dynaco Pas 3 question | Page 2 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2024年5月9日 · Dynaco equipment is like the Model T of audio....mass produced, surprisingly good within limits, easy to repair/restore/modify. I believe that audio, like most hobbies, has a …
What are the reasons to pass on a Dynaco MK III?
2017年8月17日 · The other compelling option I have been looking at is a pair of MC30's. They cost about three times as much as the Dynaco option and have half the power. The other …
Dynaco pat 4 pre-amp...worth spending a couple of hundred to …
2013年10月6日 · The Dynaco PAT-4 - in stock form - is one of the harsher bits of gear I've heard. I've owned three of them - one back in 1990 as a cheap stand-in for a preamplifier when I was …
Modern Equivalent Of Dynaco A25...? - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2016年8月25日 · The OLD Wharfedales were very-similar to the Dynacos in terms of the midrange. The ones from their heyday with the cone-tweeters are probably the most-Dynaco …
Modern Equivalent Of Dynaco A25...? - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2016年8月25日 · the dynaco a 25 do have good solid bass, somewhat loose though. adding a subwoofer to the atc scm7 will add much of the missing weight tbh. if I A-B the dynaco to the …
Dynaco PAT-4 Upgrade | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2010年5月24日 · On the upstairs second system, the Dynaco PAS-3X was taken out and the PAT-4 installed. Paired with the McIntosh MC-250, this could have been a fairly common solid …
Dynaco 70....speaker recommendations - Steve Hoffman Music …
2009年1月25日 · Carl - Dynaco ST-70, nice little amp in my opinion with a few judicious updates/mods - not the last word in accuracy but a nice warm tube sound kinda in the MC30 …
Preamp for Dynaco ST-70 Clone | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2017年4月24日 · Dynaco PAS would be the natural partner - also lots of modifications and parts out there for this preamp. A stock PAS - especially with aged parts - can sound rather "tubey" / …