Your CD or DVD drive is not recognized by Windows or other …
This article describes a problem with CD or DVD drives not work, or is missing, or not recognized after installing or uninstalling programs.
Windows Media Player 12 - Microsoft Support
DVD playback isn't included. Streamlined playback modes The Now Playing mode is a study in minimalism: It shows only the controls you need, so nothing comes between you and your music or video.
The CD drive or the DVD drive does not work as expected on a …
2003年1月29日 · The CD drive or DVD drive on your computer no longer works as expected when the computer restarts after you complete one of the following actions: You upgrade a computer to Windows Vista. You install Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1). You install or uninstall applications that have a CD/DVD filter driver. Cause
Error: A required CD/DVD device driver is missing - when you start ...
If your CD/DVD drive is not compatible with the Microsoft AHCI driver (msahci.sys), your disk controller may be set to AHCI in the system BIOS. You may be able to resolve the issue by disabling AHCI mode for your disk controller in the BIOS.
Windows Media Player 12 - Υποστήριξη της Microsoft
Η αναπαραγωγή dvd δεν περιλαμβάνεται. Απλοποιημένες λειτουργίες αναπαραγωγής Η λειτουργία "Αναπαραγωγή σε εκτέλεση" είναι η προσωποποίηση του μινιμαλισμού: Εμφανίζει μόνο τα στοιχεία ...
Unitatea CD sau DVD nu este recunoscută de Windows sau de alte …
Acest articol descrie o problemă în care unitățile CD sau DVD nu funcționează, sunt absente sau nu sunt recunoscute după instalarea sau dezinstalarea de programe.
Use the Windows DVD Player app with Narrator - Microsoft Support
Windows DVD Player works with Narrator, a built-in screen reader that reads text on your screen aloud and describes events, so you can use your PC with partial or no vision. There are keyboard shortcuts to help you do common actions.
Windows Media Player 12 - Microsoftova podrška
Reprodukcija DVD-ova nije uključena. Pojednostavljeni načini reprodukcije. Način rada značajke Reproducira se ogledni je primjer minimalizma: da ništa ne bi stajalo između korisnika i glazbe ili videozapisa, prikazane su samo neophodne kontrole. Nova minijatura programske trake s kontrolama reprodukcije čini pretpregled jednostavnijim i ...
Windows ili neki program ne prepoznaje CD ili DVD disk jedinicu ...
Instalirali ste ili deinstalirali programe za snimanje CD-ova ili DVD-ova. Deinstalirali ste Microsoft Digital Image. Postoji više razloga zašto se neka CD ili DVD disk jedinica ne uočava. Rešenja koja su navedena u ovom članku mogu da pomognu u nekim, ali …
Dit cd- eller dvd-drev genkendes ikke af Windows eller andre …
I denne artikel beskrives et problem, hvor cd-rom- eller dvd-drev ikke fungerer, mangler eller ikke genkendes efter installation eller fjernelse af programmer.