Home | SAPR
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) is the central authority charged with preventing sexual assault in the military and facilitating recovery for warfighters. SAPRO’s mission is to provide unparalleled warfighter support, advocacy, and recovery assistance – anytime, anywhere.
The Department of Defense (DoD) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) represents the Secretary of Defense as the central authority charged with preventing sexual assault in the military and facilitating recovery for warfighters.
Policy - SAPR
DoD SAPRO leads change by overseeing the implementation of all policies and standards of sexual assault prevention and response. The DoD’s sexual assault-related policy is adopted by the Military Departments and aims to translate concepts into action, improve outcomes, and achieve results that endure.
Reports - SAPR
DoD SAPRO is committed to conducting comprehensive, accurate assessments of sexual assault in the military. SAPRO's dedication to scientifically-based, trauma-informed assessment methods are used to develop its reports on sexual assault in the military.
Latest Policy Updates - SAPR
DoD Components must ensure their internal procedures align with these amended issuances. The DSD Memo authorizes automatic updates to: DoD Directive 6495.01, "Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program" DoD Instruction 6495.02, Volume 1, "Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures"
Victim Assistance - SAPR
DoD SAPRO works with the Military Services to identify exceptional SARCs, SAPR VAs, and prevention personnel for recognition.
Mission & History - SAPR
SYMBOLISM: The Teal Blue Awareness ribbon intertwined with the Pentagon highlights the DOD's commitment to "Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)." The Office of the Secretary of Defense SAPR works jointly with the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force programs to prevent sexual assault and provide world class care to victims.
DoD SAPRO represents the Secretary of Defense as the central authority charged with preventing sexual assault in the military and facilitating recovery for our warfighter. SAPRO’s mission is to provide unparalleled warfighter support, advocacy, and recovery assistance – anytime, anywhere. SAPRO envisions a military free from sexual assault.
SAPR Forms
These forms help commanders, Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs), and SAPR Victim Advocates (VAs) execute their missions. DD Form 2701, “Initial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime”
SAPR Toolkit for Commanders and SARCs | SAPR
DoD SAPRO has gathered resources and tools to assist military leaders in establishing climates that are not conducive to sexual assault and harassment and instill confidence in SAPR services. Commanders